Issue 42

December 2006

Christmas tree and bauble

Peter LucasThe Way Forward

Peter Lucas, Chairman & Chief Executive

Since the last Off the Cuff it has been very pleasing to see the positive response we have had from all areas of our business following on from the Roadshow and the re-clarification of our strategic objectives.

On the high street trade continues to be tough; current analysis of the overall menswear market shows menswear is trading -10% like for like and men's suits at -14% like for like. Our performance however of -1.2% like for like obviously significantly 'bucks' this trend but I would like to see the business trade on positive like for likes by the year end.

Despite the slight downturn in top line sales, the good news is that as a result of the cost reviews and reorganisations that took place following our strategy decisions, it does mean that the company is producing an improved like for like bottom line profit.

We are now entering the very important Christmas and New Year trading period and I know that all the teams are working hard to ensure that this busy period is a great success.

I would like to wish you all the very best at this festive season and to extend my good wishes to your families for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Peter Lucas signature

Golf teamThat's One Pulled Back!!!

The Alexandre Golf Team made up from BMB personnel and guest suppliers and customers met up once again for the annual golf challenge match with the Red Arrows at Gainsborough Golf Club on Tuesday 19th September. This year again, the weather was very kind to us and the day went off with great enthusiasm on the part of both teams. By the time the Halfway House was reached by the first foursome, things looked pretty even, but as we were standing five three down it was recognised that something had to be pulled out of the bag if we were going to be able to hold our heads up high at the end of the day.

Peter Lucas accepting the challenge cup

It must have been sterling work carried out by the BMB ladies, manning the Halfway House refreshments that saved the day for once we had returned to the Clubhouse there were only two games to be finished and we were neck and neck. I am very pleased to report that our two final pairs put on an outstanding performance and we finished the day with a five and a half to four and a half win to Alexandre.

At the evening meal Si Stevens, the reds synchro leader announced our win and Peter Lucas was invited to accept the challenge cup from Dicky Patounas, the reds leader amidst loud cheers from the Alexandre team and supporters. The new reds leader for 2007 onwards will be Jason Hawker and he assured us they would do all in their power to take back the cup. He added that this game was the only game they have lost this year. Well done to the Alexandre team!

Employee Audit Results

We have had the best year ever for total response from employees, 75% in total, mainly due to the huge 81% response from the Retail Division and 100% from Hartlepool. Goole response was down at 52%, with 63% from Leeds and only 49% from our Overseas Division.

Audit Response 2006

Performance Reviews

A new category we have added this year aimed at measuring how meaningful performance reviews are around the business. Overall 81% of employees strongly agreed/agreed that their review was meaningful, with 79% of employees agreeing their objectives were set and feedback reviews were good. Good response to reviews in particular in Retail and Hartlepool.

Performance Reviews

BMB As A Place To Work

58% of employees feel that BMB is an above average/best employer, with 36% believing that we are an average employer. 6% of our employees feel that BMB is a below average employer.

Key issues to come out of this year's audit are pay, especially for the lower grade employees and job security has become a major issue over the last 12 months across all locations. 88% of our employees believe that their departments have friendly colleagues and a good atmosphere.

BMB as a place of work year on year


86% of employees feel that BMB informs them fully/reasonably well, with 24% feeling fully communicated to. Hartlepool has the highest level of employees feeling fully communicated to, with 30%. There was a rise in the number of employees feeling poorly informed at 14% overall.


Anyone wanting to read the full audit results should contact their Divisional Director, or the Human Resources Department.

Designer Outlet, York

Inside storeWhat A Clothes Show!

The Designer Outlet near York are the very first to see the completely new Jeff Banks concept come to life. Wood floor, industrial lighting are complemented with the white well system, glass shelves and satin steel garment rails.

Jeff made a personal visit on the opening of the store and complimented the team from BMB in creating such a clean, sharp and imaginative store. Everything from the merchandising to the window looks nothing like any other store in the outlet.

Inside store"There is a gap in the market for smart formal and casual menswear" said Banks. People aspire to brands but do not want to pay high designer prices. The collection ranges from tailored suits, shirts, knitwear, socks and jewellery.

Crowds gathered on 10th November to see Jeff make one of his personal appearances to compose his famous "makeover" challenge.

GQ coverThe winner from the competition had a complete makeover from top to toe and then received a suit, shirt and tie from the Jeff Banks Collection. Joe Barnes went away a happy chappie!!

Shoppers were delighted to see Jeff and were given designer gift's with every purchase and a champagne prize draw.

Thanks Jeff!!


The next store to open is in Street where work starts on the 27th November, with a tight programme to transform the shop into a true designer concept. Look out for more stores opening in 2007.

Keith AshbyThe Wanderer Returns

Keith is now back from the states and looking forward to his new role as Group MtM Controller. He will be based in Goole, and will also spend time in and around our prestigious operations in London.

Keith has spent the last few years managing our overseas custom tailoring operation under the brand Alexandre London from Washington to Las Vegas. He has handed the role to Andy Schofield who steps into the limelight to maintain our presence and to continue the growth in AAFES. Welcome back Keith and Good Luck Andy.

Richard BransonGoole gets the Credit!

Launching a credit card in todays market cannot be easy. Branson knew he needed something as simple as black or white. The call came through from James Hibert at Dessed2Kill to Elaine Gunn at BMB to tailor make a suite, half black and half white. Time was of the essence and the suit was tailored in Goole and despatched to Jamaica for the photoshoot. Branson was delighted with the fit and quality of his suit.

Laurence HillmanLoyalty Award

Laurence Hillman had 25 years service and celebrated at the Slice restaurant in Liverpool where he was presented with a Longines watch. He is a loyal and hard working member of the team and we wish him all the best.

Lorna Whiteley and Shirley AubreyShirley Aubrey is pictured with Lorna Whiteley in Goole following a presentation to her on her retirement from BMB on the 15th September 2006. Shirely has worked for the company for 31 years being based both in Goole and Leeds working mainly for the Finance Division. Shirely was presented with a gift from the company by Cathy Thompson her Divisional Director and she was given a gold chain and cross by her colleagues. She started her retirement with a well earned holiday in Hong Kong with her husband.

Joan RockThe Rock of Hartlepool

Joan Rock, the Warehouse Manager in Hartlepool, has decided to give up her "day job" to concentrate on the main love of her life, her American Cocker Spaniel dogs. They have always been her main hobby but now she intends to give them all her attention.

Joan was given many gifts at her presentation, including a painting of one of her favourite dogs. Her friends and colleagues in Hartlepool had written a poem about her which they read out in the canteen when presenting their personal gifts to Joan. She will be greatly missed by everyone but is wished continued success with whatever her future holds.

"The Golden Boys"

At the recent Area Team Briefing Phil Dunn, John Talbot, Dennis Barton, James and Simon Murphy were all awarded their Gold Award Certificates by Regional Manager Tony Devey and STC's Chris Burn and Chris Brunskill.

The Golden Boys

Alexandre ConferenceAlexandre the Great

The X Factor went overseas to Washington (USA) and Frankfurt (Germany) to check out the talents of the Alexandre employee's at their annual conferences.

We went "back to basics" with this years format and involved the staff more in the thinking process of improving the business in 2007. Good debates on subjects such as cost control, branch alterations, marketing and extending the current offering. Dates are set for the 2007 conference to review the progress. See you there.

Russell MilesQuestion Time

We all need someone to look up to - someone we admire for their achievements, whatever those may be. BMB asked Russell Miles, prominent in his own field, who and what inspires him these days and why...

  1. What was your ambition when you were 10?To be 6 foot tall!!
  2. What was your earliest retail memory?Being taken to the suit department on my first day of employment at Cunninghams Menswear to be introduced to the department manager only to find him asleep in the changing room.
  3. Were you a star pupil at school?I was the first in my class to be able to tie my own shoe laces.
  4. What are your qualifications?BA in shoe lace tying and a few O level passes, 5 or 6, I can't remember.
  5. What was your first proper job?A sales assistant in Cunninghams Menswear in Derby.
  6. What were you doing when you were 21 & how much were you being paid?I was about 21 when I was given my first buying responsibilities: socks and pants. I can't remember exactly how much I was being paid but I guess about £80 per week.
  7. How was your first day at BMB?I was with Mike Barber all day and then an overnight stay in the salubrious Three Feathers public house in Guisborough. Marvellous!
  8. When did you get your first career break?I was the buyer of suits in Cunninghams when Ken Holford who was then a sales representative for The Label asked me if I would like to be interviewed for a trainee sales rep's position at The Label.
  9. Who has had the greatest influence on your career & why??I don't think anyone in particular, I have been lucky enough to work with some very talented people.
  10. Which other sector would you enjoy working in most?Anything to do with sport.
  11. Describe the best day at work you've ever had and describe your worst day?Too may good days for just one to stand out but the worst day must be when I turned up late for the wholesale division 'sales man of the year' award that I was being presented with at a menswear show. This doesn't really tell the whole story but there are people I kept waiting who I would prefer were not reminded.
  12. Are you a workaholic?I don't think so but my family disagree.
  13. Which personal characteristics & skills have propelled you in your career?Being decent, honest, straightforward, genuine, well mannered, gracious, polite, hard working, charming, charismatic, fascinating, amusing and a born salesman.
  14. What excites you about your job?Obtaining an order.
  15. What irritates your colleagues about you?See 13.
  16. Whose shoes would you love to be in?Billy Davies (Derby County Manager).