Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

June 2022

Thursday, 16th June 2022

We are only 6 weeks away from the next bonus payment... Will you be getting another BIG payment??!

This week (20) we are off to a great start... Looking at figures this Thursday morning, we already have several branches that have hit target! Ally at Belvoir had a huge MM sale of $3k which gives her a $5k week already… after one day! Stuttgart, Quantico and Meade have also beaten their MM targets too. Keep it up everyone... Made to Measure is your friend right now! read full issue

Red Arrows

If you've been watching the news, you will have seen the Jubilee celebrations in the UK and also noticed the Red Arrows display team flying over the palace with their red, white and blue smoke streams billowing out behind them!

It seems like a million years ago, but remember... We hosted the Reds in 2019 at Andrews AFB.

See the attached reminder, so you mention it in talking with your customers today.
read full article
more pictures here

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