Issue 08/08

Thursday, 28th May 2007

Area sales reported on made to measure this week were an embarrassment with only 28% of target achieved and with the 50% OFF sale this is totally unacceptable (Europe Notes from Bernie Colins)

line chart bad

Europe Notes from Bernie Collins

Area sales reported on made to measure this week were an embarrassment with only 28% of target achieved and with the 50% OFF sale this is totally unacceptable.

In the branches which I visited this week only one Manager had arranged for an intern advertisement for this sale to be put on the AAFES in store intercom system. However after speaking with AAFES Managers regarding having the 50% sale advertised internally we were answered with ‘no problem’ and it was promptly arranged.

So I ask all Managers who have not arranged the intern advertisement:

  • Why have the instructions to advertise in store not been carried out?
  • Is your store immune to such instructions?
  • Do you not want to hit set targets?
  • Is your income so good that you do not need the commission at 4%?

Any Managers that do not arrange for in store advertisement going forward will face consequences of not following company instructions.

Made to Measure $
Area Target Actual % Target
B. Collins - Forces 11,317 3,115 28%

Do I have to say anymore!!!

So where did the business come from???

Branch No. Location Actual
3162 Lakenheath 413
3192 Heidelberg 485
3197 Kaiserslautern 423
3215 GB Shape 0
3218 Wurzburg 473
3230 Stuttgart 0
3258 Vilseck 898
3259 Ramstein 0
3268 Wiesbaden 423
3273 Hanau 0
3281 Chievres 0
3282 Mannheim 0
  Total 3,115

Ready made sales with the help of the weekend promotion were not as bad as the Made to Measure which proves there are customers around.

Although the area was only 91% of target on ready made, so just falling short of target again this week by a total of $4096, that is an average of $341 per branch, so did you offer all your customers a shirt and tie or cuff links to go with their purchase?

Area Target Actual % Target
B. Collins 43,335 39,293 91%

Branches who achieved the lowest dollar turnover this week were;

Branch No. Location Actual
3273 Hanau 820
3282 Mannheim 1,155
3218 Wurzburg 1,495
3281 Chievres 1,955

Next week, and going forward I expect all managers to introduce to customers at the point of sale ‘extras’ such as Shirts / Ties / Cuff links.

On two occasions during last week I witnessed the customer actually having to ask the Manager if he could help him select a shirt and tie to go with his purchase. This was after the receipt was made out by the Manager and signed by the customer, the customer’s suit was in the zipper bag all ready for him to go to the register. Sale closed...

Is this Introducing? Is this Eye catching? Is this salesmanship? It certainly was for me.

Ready to Wear Stock Counts

Checking ready to wear stock counts this week in a branch it was obvious that some Managers are not counting the ties correctly.

Admission was made by the Manager after a control tie count showed pluses and minuses on lines in excess of 70 units that the ties were being counted collectively and not by each individual line as required by Company policy. This particular Manager was looking at the difference between the count and stock enquiry collective figure and then guessing what had been sold in which line and putting this amount through Oasys.

Tie counts have to be done regularly through the week and at the close of business each week. This count is to be completed on each individual tie code as shown on the stock enquiry print out.

Ties have to be blocked on the tie rack in style / design and of course under the number issued. (This rule also counts for ties that are at present in boxes). The reason for this is to make the tie count easier and quicker for Managers to complete. We have a lot of stock on ties at present and this does not mean that tie counts have to be done collectively, follow /company instructions and do not make overstocks an excuse for breaking these instructions.


T.S.O. Linings

The following linings are currently TSO and are unavailable to order on made to measure: 7003_2 Blue, 7003 Blue, J315BR, 5006 Silver, 5006_2 Silver

DO Numbers

Once again due to sickness we are running behind with DO numbers therefore if you have submitted a DO number and it has not yet appeared on Oasys please bear with us.

Suit of the Month - June

The Suit of the Month for June is as follows:-

Europe USA
ST444 ST445
ST446 ST447

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

A memorable Memorial Week for some – both good and bad. Quantico and Fort Dix were on fire (Literally) last week. Both stores had a small fire breakout in the store which closed the branches Wednesday and Thursday losing some pre holiday weekend business.

Overall the week performed better than anticipated and we did manage to beat last year’s number by 138%. Cumulatively we only managed 81% against target but Ready Made did better within the AAFES stores with 97% of target and 107% of LY. Made to measure was flat again this week guys, with only 64% of target.

What's going on here???

Have you all sent your letters out, made calls, sent emails?

We need to pull out all the stops this pay week and get some business on the books. There should be no reason why any branch has a nil week on measures week 9.

So Who did What?

In last Weeks (7’s) Team Talk I mentioned that only Fort Sam had hit target, but due to a mix up with the numbers actually Fort Myer (Richard) hit 110% - Sorry for stealing your spot light Richard…. You can bask in it here!

This week saw an increase in branches hitting their targets, some of you had busy weekends:

Buckley & Henderson both managed 129% Combined Target this week – Well done Paul and Rahim on achieving over $14,000 in sales combined this week.

Fort Dix made an appearance again this week with 103% Combined Sales. Nicky has been having a tough time lately with many of the troops being deployed overseas. Rumours have it that she started the fire because she was running around the shop so much last week!

Fort Belvoir had a terrific week and achieved over $12,000 in sales alone giving Steve, Nathan and Tim a very respectable 102% Combined sales, but the largest Net sales amount for the week – Excellent result guys, well done!

Nellis AFB managed to squeak in with 101% and Allan snagged some measures this week also – Let’s see Nellis on here more often please Allan!

Andrews, Bragg, Myer and Travis all came very close to hitting target this week, but wasn’t enough to make the wall of fame. Let’s see you guys on it this week though...

Add - On Sales

I just wanted to add that week’s 6 & 7 saw add on sales of Shirts, Ties and Cufflinks jump by almost double to what they were in previous weeks. I am glad to see that many of you have taken on board what was said at the conference about the massive amount of extra business that is out there by selling just one tie or a shirt & cufflink with every suit you sell…. Good job guys, well done.

TOP TIP - Courtesy of Paul Black

There is no sense in buying those expensive brushes that jewellery stores use, simply buy a $.49 cent toothbrush from your local supermarket to clean the cufflink box velvet!

Good luck guys & gals ... Sell, Sell, SELL!!