Issue 11/08

Monday, 18th June 2007

You’ll remember the note below that I wrote about in week 9 – as yet I have only heard from a handful of managers about upcoming events. Please see your VM’s and Store Managers and ask them what events they have planned – tell them we want to be a part of it!!

Centre Court, Wimbledon

Europe Notes from John Collins

For the area in all it was a hard week under tough trading circumstances, with many of the customers training and getting ready to de-ploy down range again. Targets were lower than last year’s actual trade due to different promotions and sales, so compared to last years trade it was very disappointing week.

How did we do?

Made to Measure Week
Actual Target %Tgt %L/Y
002 Aafes - Europe 7,358 7,682 95.8 40.0

Made to measure sales are coming mostly out of the same branches each week and we all need to get on board. I know in certain branches it is hard to convince the customers to pay $600 -$700 for a suit but as we all know, he can get two for that price right now until the end of the month. So use your best talent “salesmanship” and sell them what we want them to have so they look good and professional. With the new commission payment, it does make a difference to the pay packet.

Ready To Wear Week
Actual Target %Tgt %L/Y
002 Aafes - Europe 30,363 37,426 81.1 95.6

Sales of shirts ties and cufflinks went well this week due to Fathers day and the extra discount on them. 389 ties, 205 shirts and 130 cuff link sets sold. Suit sales were a little sluggish albeit we still have lots of reduced merchandise which needs to be sold to make room for the new Autumn ranges when they arrive. The Fathers day reductions helped to push the ready to wear sales along but unfortunately not enough to meet target.

On Combined trade the top 6 stores this week were:-

1 3218 Wurzburg 219.0%
2 3273 Hanau 105.8%
3 3259 Ramstein 103.3%
4 3281 Chievres 100.6%
5 3230 Stuttgart 99.1%
6 3192 Heidelberg 98.4%

Well done to the above Managers especially Dave Tindell in Würzburg who is still pulling in sales with very little footfall. Dave had a very nice display with shirts, cufflinks and ties advertising our Fathers day sale and has a model on display at the entrance to the PX. These seem to have helped Dave grab the customer’s imagination and attention.

Rob Miller in Hanau also beat target on two days trading a week is great - keep this up in the other two branches you work in Rob.

The rest of us, me included need to look and see if we can push ourselves a little more to get that extra sale. Can we learn from others?

TIP! It was Fathers Day last week and unfortunately quite a few Fathers are training and getting ready to deploy or are on their way there, so footfall in general was low, lots of wives around though.

Vince Blackett took advantage of this and had the Alexandre gift certificate out on his desk. A few of the wives took advantage of this and purchased the Gift Certificate and gave it to their husbands who had to come in and get measured. His last 4 measure orders have been done this way. Well done Vince.

How do we input the Gift Certificate on Oasys?

Fill out the gift certificate:

  • Ask how much they want to spend
  • Give our price ranges (make sure that you keep within the price grade when the customer picks out the cloth when ordering, or the customer can add to make up for a higher grade cloth).
  • Input the order number into Oasys, the customer’s name and in the comments box type Gift Certificate and the value of the certificate. This will remain on your order amend enquiry until the order is complete and released to the order office.

Do not forget we cannot claim new trade or cash until the order has physically been accepted and ordered on Oasys, but you will have the customer’s details for your mail shots or emails so you can keep sending him our details until he orders. School is now out so it could be a little quieter, so we need to be on our best salesman/woman mode to catch all we can.

So remember SELL; SELL; SELL

We all need to work together to succeed.

Good luck and good trading.

John Collins

Amendments To Cloth Ordering On OASys

We have amended the software on made to measure order entry to warn you if there is potentially insufficient cloth in the factory to make an order. This should stop orders being placed over the weekend and then reselection notices being given on a Monday.

You will see a warning box which will pop up, if the drop status is A ***TSO*** will be displayed, if the drop status is D ***PSO*** will be displayed.

The example below shows the message that you will receive in the case of insufficient cloth and you must take a reselection from your customer. This is now live.

OASys Cloth Warning Message

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Father’s Day weekend didn’t bring in the sales as we had all thought, and it was a difficult trading week. That said, Made to Measure saw a better increase in sales this week due to the word of the two for one sale finally hitting customers. Let’s keep pushing for those extra orders guys & gals – an extra pair of trousers can make all the difference to your sales and the area’s sales.

Make sure you have all of your reduced Ready Made stock to the front of the department. Re-merchandise and re-dress those displays. I know AAFES are having some large reductions but we can still beat them with our expertly dressed displays and superior product knowledge.

Overall for the week we only managed to hit 84% of target and 87% of last year. Measures as mentioned faired better with 99% of target and 114% of last year – a good achievement here guys, well done. Ready Made suffered however and only managed 77% of target and only 78% of last year. We’ve got to at least beat Last Years figures guys...

So Who Did What??

BuckleyPaul had a good week on both MM and RM and managed to pull a respectable 143% Combined target this week…. Excellent result Paul… and a “Top Tip” this week too! Let’s try Paul’s Tip, it obviously works.

Fort MyerRichard also had a very productive week, which would have been even bigger had he not had a couple of issues at Bolling which we are currently resolving. Myer managed 132% cumulatively and over $5300 in sales… great job Richard.

Fort Dix – Nicky had another good week, and it would seem that the re-merchandising of the department is paying off. 119% cumulative and over $4200 in sales… well done!

Many other branches exceeded their targets last week - Andrews, Travis, Fort Sam, Fort Bragg and Henderson all managed to beat target with numbers from 105% to 116%.

What's Happening In Your Store?

You’ll remember the note below that I wrote about in week 9 – as yet I have only heard from a handful of managers about upcoming events. Please see your VM’s and Store Managers and ask them what events they have planned – tell them we want to be a part of it!!

Talk to your store managers, visual managers and department managers and ask them what events are planned over the next several months. Maybe there’s a tent sale, a side walk sale, Xmas in July etc. etc.

Two of these events are taking place around the beltway in the next couple of months and we will be taking part in them with extra sales incentives and promotions.

Find out what’s happening in your store...

Good Weeks Trading Everyone...

Made to Measure Shipments (USA only)

We currently have a number of made to measure shipments held at FedEx awaiting customs clearance. if you have orders which are showing on Oasys as being on the lorry from 6th June, please be assured that we are doing everything possible to try and move the garments on as soon as possible.

Back Chat

Your new CDM’s Mark Fletcher and Trevor Scarratt have composed a new edition of Back Chat which will follow Team Talk over the course of the week.