Issue 12/08

Thursday, 28th June 2007

Is it looking clean and organized?
Does it look appealing?
Can you tell you have a sale on?
Are the racks easy to navigate around?
Would you buy from you???

Flooding in England

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

A better week on Made to Measure last week, thanks to the $750 promo wrapping up. This is the last week for this sale as you know, so please make sure your “I’ll be backs” do in fact get in before it’s too late. We cannot offer this sale next week – no exceptions, so please, do all that you can to get the customer in before the week is over. For the week we managed 81% against target and beat last year’s figures with a good result of 118%.

All of the delayed shipments were sent out last week - well done on getting the measures in, let’s make up that missing 19% this week guys.

Ready Made struggled, which is usually the case right after Father’s Day. We only managed 78% and 86% against Last Year. That said, I know we can make up for it this week. Tracey will be putting out the Independence Day promotion early this week, it’s a month end and a pay week – All of the stars are aligned ladies and gentlemen, there should be no reason why we can’t hit target this week.

So, let’s get the departments ready to go for what will surely be a busy weekend.

  • Re-merchandise – Make sure your sale items are to the front of the department with sale tags on them. Ask the store for a rolling rack to place on the walk way.
  • Re-dress – Ensure your models are looking their very best. Dust ‘em and fluff ‘em!
  • Announce! – Ask the store to make a simple, 10 second announcement on the local exchange’s PA system about the last week of the MM sale and the reductions for Independence Day.

So Who "Performed" in Week 12??

NELLISAllan had a great week last week, after returning from his vacation “Down Under!” and managed 202% cumulative against target. Allan arranged for an announcement to be made through the store PA system which has obviously proved fruitful for him. Good work Allan!

FORT BRAGG – A great week from Adelle, who has had another Fashion Show and is now reaping the benefits, hitting 179% against Target and sales just short of $5000 – Top branch for $$$ last week Adelle… Great performance, keep it up!

MACDILLZoran had a good week with 139% cumulatively, but even more amazing is the fact that he beat last years numbers – by a whopping 600%. Can’t ask for more than that… (700%???!)

FORT CARSON & BUCKLEYPaul is here again! He managed to beat target at both of his stores this week and is at the top again this week with 112% and 102% respectfully. Paul has also been working “Overtime” sending in another Top Tip this week (See below). Well done Paul…. I hope other’s are at least trying your tips…. They are working over in Colorado!

Only one other branch managed to beat target last week – Not to be out done by the guys above, Nicky from FORT DIX MCGUIRE managed to scrape over the line with 101%. Nicky completed her first Performance Review this month which went very well, her goal this year is to raise the branch from a grade A to a grade B which she is well on her way to completing already!

TOP TIP: While Waiting for Carson's Busy Spell

Some Managers are probably already primed but just a little idea for the team to try to enhance future P.O.S uniform identity:

Try matching the colour of your branch flyer/letter paper to the featured P.O.S .?
(didn't mean you Andrew)
Orange is looking good!

Thanks Paul, Keep ‘em coming, We’ll be renaming this to “Paul’s Top Tips” soon

OK, so make sure you have all your ducks in a row, step back and take a good long hard look at your department (Or get one of the men’s wear staff to assist!):

Is it looking clean and organized?
Does it look appealing?
Can you tell you have a sale on?
Are the racks easy to navigate around?
Would you buy from you???

Good Weeks Trading Everyone...

Europe Notes from John Collins

It was another tough week all round with the school holidays, one of the largest turn over of troops seen for a long time, troops preparing to go off to war and very strange weather patterns with torrential rains and hot sunshine.

Despite all of the above, we did not do to bad at all and we did beat target on both made to measure and ready to wear.

Although we did better than last year on ready to wear, we were down on last years made to measure total.

How did we do?

002 Aafes - Europe Actual Target % Tgt % L/Y
Made to Measure 7,753 5,659 137 77.9
Ready Made 28,889 27,894 103.6 139.3

The top branches this week are:

1 3282 Mannheim 152%
2 3218 Wurzburg 149%
3 3197 Kaiserslautern 149%
4 3162 Lakenheath 142%
5 3273 Hanau 125%
6 3281 Chievres 120%
  • 3282 Mannheim - Well done to Melvyn Bromby, great to see you up there. Keep the momentum going.
  • 3218 Wurzburg – Well done to Dave Tindell for second position.
  • 3197 Kaiserslautern - Paul Worrell ably assisted by myself.
  • 3162 Lakenheath - Well done John Knight whilst on relief for Gary.

Well done also to Robbie Miller, Dave Cox and Geoff Berry for beating their target. Well done also to us all, you might not have made target this week but we all contributed to sales and reaching target.

This is the final week for the TWO SUIT SPECIAL so keep on pushing those sales, the next sale will be $500 (45% off) Buckingham Mills and the merchant cloths, which although is a great deal not everybody can afford them. Get the word out and catch those sales.

TIP: The Stars and Stripes cuff links sets that we currently have in all stores should be put together to make a small July 4th display, this is a prime opportunity and we should be able to sell them this week.


We all need to work together to succeed. Good luck and good trading.

John Collins

Independence Day 4th July Specials

Will follow...

Happy Birthday!

Sandra Andrews - 26th June - Goole Head Office