Issue 16/08

Tuesday, 24th July 2007

Our Alexandre Savile Row department in Macy’s has a new claim to fame. Mike Coates sold two custom tailored shirts to the costume department of the new Batman movie that is currently filming in Chicago this week!


USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Tracey is on vacation this week so I have joined the European and USA versions of the news letter here. John’s notes from Europe are below...

As we all know it was a difficult weeks trading in week 16, school holidays, the weather, and delays in shipments have all in some way affected our business. It is hard to sell anything when footfall in the stores is so light, but I know that because we managed to beat last years numbers, you guys are trying everything you can to get every last penny out of your customers.

Some new stock has started to trickle down through the stores and this is helping, but of course we need the customers to be in the store to make any dent on the targets.

Keep pushing those sales to everyone that is in our area, try walking the departments and see if you can see any past customers that you can entice to come and take a look at your department. If we continue to get every sale we can through these slow months we’ll come out on top by the end of the year.

Ok, so overall we finished cumulatively with 74% against target and 108% over LY. Ready Made faired much better and closed on 92.5% of target and 104% of Last Year. Made to Measure struggled due to lack of customers and closed with only 32% of target but 174% against Last Year.

A tough week, but we managed to beat the numbers from last year, so there is some light at the end of this tunnel!!

Some branches did well last week...

FORT MYER – Well, your caption winner from week 15 “Pulled It Out Of The Bag” this week and did an excellent 167% cumulative figure, just short of $5000 in sales. Richard pushed hard all week, changed the department around and sailed home with the top branch – well done!

NELLIS AFB – There was a bit of a battle going on for second place honors last week, but Allan managed to jump into second place with a cumulative figure of 134%. Good result Allan, even with 100 plus temps – must be wedding season at the little white chapels!!

FORT BRAGGAdelle was just pushed out of second place this week by Nellis but managed 131% cumulatively. I don’t think Adelle will mind as this is her Fourth week in the top three. This week Adelle used a “Top Tip” from Paul and had a rolling rack at the front of the store with marked down RM suits on it. She made sure there were sales signs on it and made some announcements over the PA – it all came together with over $3000 in sales this week…. Well done Adelle, keep up the good work!

Several other branches also managed to beat their targets in this difficult week and deserve a pat on the back and a mention here: Langley, Fort Belvoir, Fort Dix and Buckley all beat their targets – Well done guys.


Our Alexandre Savile Row department in Macy’s has a new claim to fame. Mike Coates sold two custom tailored shirts to the costume department of the new Batman movie that is currently filming in Chicago this week!

The shirts will be worn by Christian Bale in the movie that will be released next summer. Watch out for them when the movie is released and Mike will keep us all up to date!

Good Weeks Trading Everyone... Andy.

European Notes - John Collins

Well gentlemen another week is over how did we do?

Considering how quiet it was and very little footfall were reported in most stores the overall result was indeed positive.

The area target was for Combined Target 106.5%

The split between Ready to wear and made to measure was as follows:

  • Ready to wear was 107%
  • Made to measure was 100%

Top Performers This Week on Ready to Wear

  • Gary Bloom in Lakenheath with an astounding week 267% of target.
  • Dave Cox in GB Shape turning an amazing 260.7%.
  • Dave Tindell in Wurzburg after his holiday break came in with 164% of target.
  • Alan Self who’s waiting to go on holiday came in with 123% of target.

Well done to all other managers not mentioned as target was beaten.

Made to Measure

Branches with Made to measure trade were as follows:

  • Kaiserslautern Geoff Heath /John Collins
  • Wurzburg Dave Tindell
  • GB Shape/ Chievres/Brussels Embassy Dave Cox
  • Lakenheath Gary Bloom
  • Stuttgart Vince Blackett
  • Wurzburg Dave Tindell

Unfortunately a few stores are still not bring in made to measure trade, I am sure not for the lack of trying so keep on in there and they will eventually buy.

Well done to us all as our area reached target. And as I have said before "Every little helps"

Let’s keep up the good work and lets see some other names up in lights.

General Notice

I will be on holiday weeks 18 through 20 if you have any expenses to be claimed get them in this week so I can approve them before I go.

If you need anything you should contact your CDM, Trevor in Ramstein for any help.

All the best and good trading over the next weeks - John Collins