Issue 18/08

Wednesday, 8th August 2007

Another excellent weeks trading everyone – Well done! As your CDM (Mark Fletcher) put it…. “The worm has turned!!” Let’s hope so and keep this momentum going. Last week we finished top with 124% Cumulative against target and better against last year with 126%. This is an excellent achievement especially as it was a big “Back To School” weekend around the country [USA - Notes from Andy Schofield].

When the worm turns!

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Another excellent weeks trading everyone – Well done!

As your CDM (Mark Fletcher) put it... “The worm has turned!!” Let’s hope so and keep this momentum going.

Last week we finished top with 124% Cumulative against target and better against last year with 126%. This is an excellent achievement especially as it was a big “Back To School” weekend around the country.

Ready Made faired well with 95% against target but we all know that it is tough without the stock. The good news here is that the containers are en-route and should be touching down momentarily.

Made to Measure had an excellent week as the Merchants sale drew to a close and the 30% / 50% promotion started. We closed the week out with almost $22,000 in sales and 350% of target, beating last years numbers by 209% - Fantastic result!!

Even the Tax Free weekend that Washington DC held, still wasn’t enough to stop your customers buying from the Exchange. This shows that with your hard work and perseverance it pays off in the end.

Some of you have really pushed the boat our over the last few months with sending out your POS, calls / email to customers, Fashion Shows, Dress for Success classes and good old determination to keep your shop above the water. Let’s keep going the way we are going and that 20% deficit will be a credit.

"Has the worm turned??"

Week 18 Star Performers Last Week??

  • FORT BRAGG – Ladies & Gentlemen, she is here again this week in the top spot. Adelle again hit’s it out of the park with 235% against target and almost $3000 each on RM and MM, just short of a $6000 week! An excellent result from the new shop at Bragg and Adelle who always gives 110% effort.
  • FORT DIX – The other star performer or the second angel in “Andy’s Angels” as Mr Keith Ashby puts it! Is Nicky who comes in second place with 214% cumulative against target and just over $5000 in total sales last week. Nicky would have come in first place but due to a cloth issue had to leave a couple of orders on hold. Watch out in week 19 everyone!
  • HENDERSON HALL – Glad to see this branch back in the top three. Rahim had a great week on measures and RM’s this week with 192% against target and over $7,500 in total sales. $4600 of that on Ready Made from 300 Sq Ft! Well done Rahim, a nice result.
  • FORT BELVOIR – Whilst not in the top three percentage wise, Steve, Nathan & Amanda again showed their selling skills this week with over $12,000 in sales and 180% cumulatively against target. Belvoir was the top branch in Made to Measure again this week with over $4000 in sales and a whopping $8720 in RM sales! It just goes to show that even with 500 Sq. Ft you can still hit those numbers guys!

A lot of branches made their cumulative targets and I think it only fair that they are listed here also:

  • Fort Myer – Richard Crockett came in with 167% Cumulative.
  • Buckley - Paul Black gets both of his branches over target, here with 140%
  • Langley - Dave Nicholls does it again with a cumulative figure over 138%
  • Carson - Paul Black’s other branch hits 122% cumulative
  • Macdill - Mr. Z, Zoran Opacic hits 114% above target cumulatively
  • Fort Meade - Trevor Branch comes in with 112% and a good RM figure.

That is pretty close to all of the US branches making target this week guys, a great effort. If your branch wasn’t in the list you should be asking yourself “Why Not?”

What happened guys??

  • Fort Sam - Jeff Boardman Close with 95% however.
  • Quantico - One of the few shops with an excuse… renovations and 200 Sq Ft hurting sales here for Mark Fletcher & Amanda Higgins.
  • Andrews - Ouch! A disappointing 77% Welcome back Roger Lansdell.
  • Lewis - Still tough out West Dave France.
  • Nellis - Come on Allan Carlile, you were in the top three a couple of weeks ago.
  • Travis - Dominic Gonzales, last place of the full timers.
  • McChord - Show us what you can do Drew Meek!

Some excellent figures from some of our smallest shops guys – What are you doing to increase your sales???

Top Tip!

Well, after a brief hiatus, Paul hit’s us with some of his “trade making” secrets:

  1. If still available - ask your host store shoe dept for any spare angled shoe display stands, perfect for shirts?
  2. Where permitted – why not designate a front rack for all your 50% off or more garments and try using the red ‘Semi Annual Sale’ save 50% off signs?

Good Luck This Week Everyone... Andy.

Ready Made Stock


Some core lines have been replenished and the first batch of new ranges have arrived with more to follow next week.

Drop 1 of the tie delivery is in the warehouse and the shirts are due mid August.


The first container is currently with customs and should hopefully be cleared very soon. The second container left the factory on Sunday so should arrive the 3rd week in August.

Drop 1 of the tie delivery is currently in Goole warehouse, the shirts are due to leave the factory on the third container which is mid August.

Some USA stores will also be receiving a selection of Marshall Field’s shirts and suits during the course of this week, again please refer to your invoice for the RSP and not the ticket price. All shirts are $45 and you may also wish to take advantage of this price and purchase some of them yourself at 50% staff discount. A selection of ties will also follow for each store.

USA Made to Measure Deliveries

We are now back on track with made to measure deliveries and a delivery of 81 garments is currently en route to UTI. The delivery from 22nd July is included in this shipment.

Europe Notes from John Collins

As you know John is on holiday this week, so this is a brief version of the last week’s trading situation

Actual Target % Tgt % L/Y
Ready Made
002 Aafes - Europe 26,585 26,110 101.8 124.3
Made to Measure
002 Aafes - Europe 1,760 2,611 67.4 22.5
002 Aafes - Europe 415 0 0 0
020 John Collins 28,760 29,072 98.9 98.5

Ready to wear exceeded target which was great news but made to measure despite a very low target didn’t make it and the overall result with a shirt sale from Ramstein was 98.9% of target and 98.5% of last year. So near but yet so far...

The Top Managers / branches overall this week are:

  • Dave Tindell in Wurzburg came in top of the tree at 334% of Target, this figure was helped by a measure sale of $1760. Well done Dave, keep up the good work.
  • Gary Bloom in Lakenheath came second staying in the top 5 at 134% of Target
  • Paul Worrall in Kaiserslautern came in third with 127% of Target.
  • Paul Kerslake in Vilseck came in fourth with 110% of Target
  • Melvyn Bromby in Mannheim also came in at 100% of Target

Well done to all of you guys. Keep up the good work and try and keep your name in lights for another week.

Most branches will be receiving a selection of Alexandre Savile Row Marshall Field’s suits and shirts during the course of this week. Please ensure that you sell these for the price shown on your invoice and not the ticket price as you will see that they are very good reductions. You may also want to take the opportunity to buy them yourselves as a staff purchase at 50% discount – just remember to get your ASM’s authorisation or whilst John is on holiday I can do this for you. This is additional merchandise for your store which is at very very good prices and you should be able to clear it through your store fairly quickly. There is still a little bit of stock left in Goole so if you find that you are selling it well, particularly shirts, please let me know.

The ready to wear sale is also a good opportunity for you to sell made to measure markdowns or sold out models. Just size them up with a cube and put them on your sale racks as if they are an RM. To claim the commission on any LOH’s you must have refunded the garment through Oasys. Let’s take this opportunity to clear them through...

Good luck and good trading, have a good week and if you need anything let me know.
