Issue 40/09

Wednesday, 7th January 2009

Hopefully you and your customers don’t look like this guy!!

California Fires

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Well, here we are again in a new year – and almost a new financial year (January 31st). I have some reminders for you later on in regards to the new year end….

The holiday season for the USA was a tough one – you don’t need me reminding you of that, I’m sure. The good news is that you all worked extremely hard and the pay off is that compared to Last Years numbers we are up, 103%

With the economy being as tough as it is at the moment, this is an excellent achievement and one you should all be very proud of… give yourselves a pat on the back! There aren’t many businesses out there that can say that.

I know that we can keep the ball rolling on this and beat target at the end of January…. Can you say “Bonus??!!!”

Last week (Week 40) saw us miss target but thanks to some great results we did meet last years numbers… Can you believe that we were only $3 away from making the exact same number as last year? How weird is that?!

Made to Measure struggled a little bit, which is the usual story for the first week of the new sale. 54% of target and 69% of last year….

Not to worry though as Ready Made stepped up and customers took advantage of our great prices (and excellent service of course!) and pushed us up to 97% of target and a great 112% of Last Year – Well done everyone!

Overall we were 100% of Last Years numbers and 84% of target – not bad guys!

Week 40 – Money Makers & Shakers

Some good figures from you last week…..

1st Place “Zipper” MACDILL – A good result from Zoran this week helped push us into the positive – Over $4,500 in total sales with $3000 of it on New Years Eve put Macdill into the number one position this week… 208% of target and a massive 435% over last year! What a difference! Well done Zoran… can you keep it going to the end of the January?

2nd Place “Zipper” BUCKLEY – Here’s a branch that we haven’t seen on the list for a while. Allan has commented that troops are returning from Iraq in Colorado now – let’s hope the trend continues. 134% last week puts him into the number 2 spot.

3rd Place “Zipper” FORT BRAGGAdelle wanted to make sure she didn’t loose her (what seems like a permanent!) spot on the leader board – 120% of target and 152% over last year…. Another Grade “A” performance – or should that be “Grade C”??!

FORT DIX (112%), MCCHORD (117%), NELLIS (108%) and ANDREWS (101%) all made target last week and also helped us beat last years numbers. Well done guys and gals – Keep it up!

Thanks to everyone for your efforts this week and in 2008…. I look forward to a strong and prosperous 2009 with all of you.


There are some excellent prices in the latest January Sale list Tracey sent out today.

You wanted TOPCOATS on sale… You got it! At an excellent price of only $260!!

You wanted HARRIS TWEEDS on sale… You got it! Now only $180!!

TIES from $15 and SHIRTS from $25

These are some GREAT prices and will help you make your target ready for year end.


OK, if you haven’t read the first part of this then you haven’t yet realized that our new year end is January 31st this year.

There is no difference to how the year used to end, March 31st other than we have two months less to get our branches in order.

This means you will need to make sure you have done the following on or before the 31st January….

  • ALL Made to Measure Markdowns should be completed.
  • ALL 2008 expenses should be on Oasis – Pay the tailor!
  • Progress Order sections should be up to date on Oasis.
  • Inventory done and on Oasis

Good luck & Good Trading this week. Andy.