Issue 41/09

Monday, 12th January 2009

It was a tough week; we did not quite make target or last year’s figures. With customers waiting for payday so they can start paying their Christmas debts off. It was reported there was very little money around through the week but picked up at the weekend which helped the figures and brought a big sigh of relief from most managers and me.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 41

It was a tough week; we did not quite make target or last year’s figures. With customers waiting for payday so they can start paying their Christmas debts off. It was reported there was very little money around through the week but picked up at the weekend which helped the figures and brought a big sigh of relief from most managers and me.

Considering all things with the outside climate matching the economic climate with temperatures well under zero and in between pay days. We did very well

Combined sales were 82% of target and 85% of last year.

MM was 53% of target and 56% of last year.

RM 90% of target and 94% of last year.

The RM winter reductions are early this year which should help us against both target and last year.

The MM bogof sale is not attracting the customers it should, although in some stores it has as previously mentioned.

With Gary Bloom in Lakenheath ($3940) Alan Self in Heidelberg ($900) coming in a 4th consecutive week with good MM figures and being joined this week by Dave Cox in GB Shape ($1056). Great going Chaps


The winter warmers

No 1 Stuttgart: Vince Blackett. Nice to see in the top spot once again. With fantastic combined target of 149% and 156% of last year. Well done Vince.

No 2 Grafenwoehr: Paul Kerslake. Up from 3rd to 2nd with a great combined target of 131% and a mega 192% of last year. Well done Paul.

No 3 Chievres: Dave Cox. Just creeping in to plus territory with a hard earned 101% of combined target and at the same time doing $1000 on MM from his part time branch GB Shape. Well done Dave.

No 4 Heidelberg: Alan Self. Although target was again just missed coming in on combined targets of 85% but once again a very good 14% of last year. Well done Alan.

Top dollar sales go to:
MM Lakenheath with $3940.
RM Stuttgart with $6724.
Combined Sales Stuttgart with $7554

As you all know it will be the aafes inventory this month, please find out when it is and have everything checked and ready for them as we normally do.

It will also be our inventory RM’s only towards the end of the month to coincide with the financial year end detail’s will be forwarded to you by Tracey nearer the time.


From Vince Blackett.

As we have a lot of garments with $100 off you could use the yellow suit of the month hanger swinger tickets.

Take the yellow suit of the month ticket fold it back on its self and up so the “of the month” is covered with the “$100 off” then put clear sticky tape over the fold and the ticket know reads:

$100 off
price as marked.

If it is not a suit then do the same procedure but this time cover all the wording and it reads;

$100 off
price as marked.

Thanks for the tip Vince.

Have a good week everybody and try to stay warm its freezing out there again. Kaiserslautern had -16 Celsius last week.

Why not let me know how cold it is where you are and we can see who had to put on the most winter woollies and I will show the results next week.

John Collins