Issue 03/09

Monday, 28th April 2008

Here is the first Team Talk of the new financial year. Please accept my apologies for not having sent out a Team Talk sooner, but as I was on holiday for a week, then a week at Head Office, plus all of the figures which go with year-end it got pushed back. Well, all of the figures have now been completed and branch targets are now on Oasys.

California Fires

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Firstly, apologies for the lack of communication through Team Talk over the last couple of weeks. As you can imagine it’s a busy time for all of us, closing out the last year and getting ready for the new one. Targets have now been approved for the year ahead and these will be on Oasys within the next week and I will be contacting all of you individually to discuss them.

The first 3 Weeks have seen some great efforts from everyone and the numbers look promising for us. Week 1 saw us hit 108% above target, Week 2 saw things ease off due to TAX time and we finished with 71% of target. Week 3 however picked up speed again and we finished the week with 101% cumulatively.

Made to Measure was the star of the week, as news of the sale hits customer’s mail boxes and tax refunds came through. Closing with 142% of the week this was a very good achievement guys – Well done!

Ready Made didn’t fair as well but still came very close to hitting target and with such a high number on Measures is a great good result. We closed the week with 92% of target even though some branches reported low footfall. This tells me that you have all taken on board the advice of selling more than one piece to the customers you have in. Extra trousers, a sports jacket or even something as small as a shirt & tie with every purchase can and does make all the difference….. Well done guys!

This is OUR year!


  • HENDERSON HALL – Rahim had an excellent week finishing with the top percentage of sales this week. Closing the week with a huge 293% Rahim is well on his way to make this one of his biggest years yet. Well done Rahim – Go for it!
  • ANDREWS AFB & FORT BRAGG – Roger, Nathan & Adelle had excellent results this week and finished with 214% of target – WoW! Both branches did very well compared to last year on Ready Made which is a good sign for things to come...

    Andrews AFB are looking to beat last years numbers into a pulp this year and Adelle at Bragg is already gunning for Grade “C”!!

  • FORT MYER – A good result this week from Richard who closed the week out with 153% cumulatively. Again, it looks like it was all on Rm’s this week for Fort Myer and I am sure that Richard will stand out this year – a full year with his new shop.
  • An Honorable mention this week goes to MACDILL AFB (Zoran), FORT MEADE (Trevor), FORT BELVOIR (Steve & Nathan), NELLIS AFB (Allan) and FORT DIX (Nicky) who all beat target last week. Well done guys – Keep it up…. Only 49 weeks to go!

Thank you team!!


We have a new Team Member who actually started his first week last week, training with your CDM at Quantico MCX. Tony Hines will be primarily working out of the UTi Warehouse for us but will also be “Dipping In” to help on the East Coast on Relief when and where needed. Tony comes to us after working overseas for AAFES at Kaiserslautern.

Welcome to the team Tony, I hear that your training is going very well and that you are enjoying learning the finer points of selling Alexandre products!

Good Luck this week everyone - Andy Schofield

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Here is the first Team Talk of the new financial year. Please accept my apologies for not having sent out a Team Talk sooner, but as I was on holiday for a week, then a week at Head Office, plus all of the figures which go with year-end it got pushed back. Well, all of the figures have now been completed and branch targets are now on Oasys.

Firstly, I would like to thank you all for a “ job well done last year ”, the area was 100% of target so WELL DONE. Andy now we have to start from the beginning and do it all over again to have an even better year this year.

We have had a good start to the year, the first three weeks came in around the same as last year on both made to measure and ready made which meant that targets were achieved.

So how did the individual branches do?

The top two for week 3 are branches that we do not normally see in the top spots even though they put in a lot of hard work and effort week in week out and I am sure that we will see them more often this year as troop patterns change.

WEEK 3 - Full time branches:

  • No 1 Mannheim: Melvyn Bromby With a nice 151% of combined targets and last year. Well done Melvyn great to see hope to see you up here more often - I know it is not for a lack of trying.
  • No 2 Grafenwoehr: Paul Kerslake 135% of combined targets and last year. Well done Paul I hope this is a sign of things to come.
  • No 3 Ramstein: Trevor Scarratt and Rob Miller 124% of combined targets and last year. Once again well done.
  • No 4 Lakenheath: Gary Bloom 116% of combined target and last year. We just cannot keep Gary out of the top five, great work.
  • No 5 Heidelberg: Alan Self 116% of combined targets and last year. Another good start to the year keep it going.

I will be visiting all branches in the next couple of weeks and will go over the targets for this coming year.

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins