Issue 04/09

Friday, 2nd May 2008

The 50% off promotion has now started, all stores should have posters, postcards, flyers and letters. Please send these out to your customer’s to make this promotion really work – let’s have a good start to the new financial year on mtm.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 4 was a disappointing week on Made to Measure as we only did 67% of last year and we can thank a part time store for that, who did 57% of the area total. Ready to Wear on the other hand was very good with sales of 138% over last year, this shows that customers were around and that the new ranges are attracting them in to our area.

The branches that I visited last week all looked well stocked with nice displays showing a lighter spring look to them. As is typical of this time of year, I understand that we are a little over stocked at the moment with very little extra space to put that extra stock. Here are a few suggestions that other Managers have used to help them with their space problem.

  • Ask Aafes if you can have a little stock room space for a short period.
  • If you have an extra cross bar that goes in a back bay you could take down a back wall display and put the iron bar up for a ready-made range.

If anybody else has a suggestion please let us know.

So how did the individual branches do?

WEEK 4 Full time branches:

  • No 1 Stuttgart: Vince Blackett With a remarkable 217% of last year. Fantastic Vince and that was with a visit to Italy at the start of the week. Vince brought back with him $2079 made to measure trade from Aviano - the whole area only did $3714 so we can all thank Vince that our made to measure sales were not more disastrous. In total, Vince came back with just under $10000.
  • No 2 Ramstein: Geoff Heath and Rob Miller Also with a remarkable 198% of last year. Excellent job by Geoff covering Trevor’s relief while he is on holiday and Rob.
  • No 3 Kaiserslautern: Leigh Poulton, Geoff Heath and John Collins 137% of last year. Once again well done to all three.
  • No 4 Lakenheath: Gary Bloom 126% of last year. Gary was complaining of very little footfall but still turned in the fourth best over all performance. Well done Gary.
  • No 5 Wiesbaden: Geoff Berry and Rob Miller. 92% of last year. Whilst they did not beat last year - they came very close, another good week considering that most of the troops are away. Well done Geoff and Rob

Well done to you all. Now is the time to look at your shop and see if you can change anything to attract more attention as we are now well into Spring, change the displays around lighten the shop up with the new ranges that we have in. Keep those displays looking new each week.

The 50% off made to measure promotion is now on, so let’s see those figures rolling in.

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins


The name Alexandre, London is synonymous with style and elegance in men’s ready to wear and made to measure suits throughout the UK, Europe and the USA.

Whilst we generally employ people based within concessions on American and European bases we also have a successful civilian outlet in Bermuda. Based in an English Sports Shop and situated directly opposite where Cruise Ships enter Bermuda we are currently looking for the following type of person to join our current team.


We are looking for a committed, driven person to be part our highly successful team in Bermuda.

Ideally you will need to have current experience as a Concession Manager in a large store, possess strong leadership skills and a real desire to develop yourself. You will also be of very smart appearance, probably single and have the right qualities to enable you to live abroad. Full training will be provided to enable you to carry out this job to your maximum potential.

This opportunity will provide the successful candidate with great opportunities to gain both working and real life experience whilst at the same time receiving a highly competitive salary plus commission, assistance with travel and a generous holiday entitlement.

If you are interested in the above position then initially please contact Ben Lucas, Human Resources Dept, BMB Clothing Ltd, Granary Building, 1 Canal Wharf, Leeds LS11 5BB. Tel: 0113 2595637.
Closing Date: 2nd May 2008


The 50% off promotion has now started, all stores should have posters, postcards, flyers and letters. Please send these out to your customer’s to make this promotion really work – let’s have a good start to the new financial year on mtm.

Will your Store Manager arrange a radio ad for you to promote the sale – ask him or her ??

If you need anything extra which you think will help you with your sales please contact Alexandre Support and we will help you as much as possible.


Our Overseas factory will be closed during week 10 - week commencing 1st June therefore there will be no deliveries out of the factory during this week. All orders taken during week 6 & 7 will be subject to a one week delay.


Further to details on messages of the day, you are now able to view our warehouse stock by product code and size and fit on OASys. We have given you access to this information in an effort to reduce the amount of money currently being spent in store on branch to branch transfers. For customer’s who are looking for a size that you do not have in stock or for a line that you do not carry, please make the warehouse stock your first port of call. Additional garments added to your weekly delivery carry very little cost as we send a delivery to each store weekly but if it is sent from a store, the cost has to be measured against the selling price of the garment.

If you require a special request to be allocated from the warehouse please contact Alexandre Support and we will allocate it for you and give your delivery a priority pick in the warehouse.


The targets for the new financial year have now been input onto OASys therefore please take a moment to check how we are performing as a division against target and last year. Did you look at week 52 ?? If not you can take a look at it by opening Team Talk and Flash Sales and you can see instantly how we finished the year and how we are currently performing on both ready to wear and made to measure. We all need to work together to succeed...


Mike Coates has been successful in organising an event with California Closets which was photographed by North Shore Chicago magazine on Sunday 27th April 2008. We currently have 12 Alexandre Savile Row outfits on display in their offices through 9th May and Mike is very hopeful of generating made to measure business through this avenue of advertising. We will keep you informed of the progress.


Once again we have been given the award of “The Bermuda Best Suit Award” in our department within The English Sports Shop in Bermuda. This award is presented to the best of the best each year and we have been successful in winning this for a number of years. Well done to Jamie and Andy.