Issue 07/09

Monday, 19th May 2008

Once again we beat combined targets so well done to you all. It was nearly an exact copy of last week, 103% of target and a lovely 114% of last year. We reached these figures even though eight branches did not reach their target albeit some did come very close. The other team members came in with some very good increases on both target and last year to help the European team reach it’s weekly goal [John Collins, Europe]

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Thankfully in week 7: We pulled back a little from the missed made to measure target from week 6. Here are the facts and figures.

  LY ($) Target ($) Actual ($) Target % Last YR %
Made to Measure 3,904 4,422 11,920 270 305
Ready Made 45,385 50,300 44,201 88 97
Total Week 49,289 54,722 56,121 103 114

Once again we beat combined targets so well done to you all. It was nearly an exact copy of last week, 103% of target and a lovely 114% of last year. We reached these figures even though eight branches did not reach their target albeit some did come very close. The other team members came in with some very good increases on both target and last year to help the European team reach it’s weekly goal.

This week we were helped out by made to measure 270% of target and a brilliant 305% of last year. One branch alone beat the area target and then some, read on to find out more...

Ready made was 88% of target and 97% of last year and the proms which has boosted our sales over the last few weeks have now nearly all taken place. Well done to you all in not only getting as much business as you did but also helping the young customer look and feel good for their special occasion.

Seeds for the future

So how did the individual branches do?

  • No 1 Chievres: John Knight 159% of combined target and 98% of last year. Well done John, once again doing an excellent job while Dave is away.
  • No 2 Lakenheath: Gary Bloom 150% of target and a fantastic 184% of last year. Once again Gary came in with $5075 on MM that is 30% above the area target - well done Gary - not to be content with that he also had $6275 RM sales for combined weekly sales of $11350. Fantastic Gary keep up the good work.
  • No 3 Wiesbaden: Geoff Berry and Rob Miller 118% of combined targets and a very good 155% of last year well done Geoff and Rob not bad at all seeing as 80% of the troops are down range.
  • No 4 Heidelberg: Alan Self 111% of combined target 85% of last year. Well done Alan considering the heat you worked in last week. (in fact people were walking around with towels around them asking Alan if he could pour water on the hot coals).
  • No 5 Ramstein : Trevor Scarratt and Rob Miller 110% of combined targets and 75% of last year. Well done to you both.

Thank you for all your hard work this week and let’s see who will be in the top five next week.

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Well, as you saw by my earlier email this week, it wasn’t the best of weeks… in more ways than one.

I don’t want to hang on the fact that it was bad – we all know it was tough and I know you all tried your best to get and make every sale count.

I’ve asked some of your peers that made target last week to share with us some ideas and thoughts of how they’re hitting the top spots…. Some of them are up here weekly and I think it’s a good idea to see what they have to say.

Some of you will read their comments and think “Yeah, I do that” but we all need a “Re-fresher” from time to time.

Remember, Team Talk & Back Chat is for you guys…. It should have both of our input into it!

We closed the week at 66% against target and 79% of last year – Ouch!

Ready Made did 83% of the week and a very similar 96% of Last Year.

Made to Measure on the other hand didn’t do well at all closing the week with only 39% against target and half of last years numbers….. with 50% off this was a rough one guys.

Week 6 - Super Stars!

FORT BRAGG – Adelle always seems to be at the top spot lately and this was week was no exception. Closing out the week with 115% of target, over $5000 in sales and 157% over Last Year this was a result we would all like to see.

I asked Adelle what she felt helps her in making target most week… other than her goal of hitting a Grade C branch this year, Adelle also added:

“Sometimes, it’s just a case of being there to serve the customers. Most times AAFES don’t have anyone around so I’ll step in and help them. They usually end up buying my product – after I’ve talked them into it!"

"There are a lot of customers that think we can’t fit them but I explain to them about Made to Measure and they are so happy that we have something for that 6ft 6” guy – that fits!"

"Another Trick I use is to make sure that when they are in the dressing room I put together a full look of shirt, tie and sometimes cufflinks. 99% of the time they buy it and are very grateful for the help. Most of these guys get very confused with what to wear because they’re in uniforms all day.”

BUCKLEY AFB – This is a tough branch (I know, I broke my foot in two places setting the shop up back in 2003!!) and Paul will probably be the first to admit it!

Finishing the week last week with 107% however bumped the branch into the limelight! As most of you know Paul covers Fort Carson but also makes a trip over to Buckley a couple of times a week.

Good planning and thinking about what stock he has to move between the two stores helps Paul to hit his targets – OK, so not every week but as some of you know that cover satellite branches, it’s a tough job to do.

Paul wrote:

“Hopefully this doesn’t Jinx me! There isn’t much happening in Buckley’s neck of the woods lately, but some of the things I try and do to contribute to a decent week from time to time are:"

  1. "Stock rotation, display change and update signs on a frequent basis. (swapping front/back dept sale/non sale etc)"
  2. "If possible, a Rolling Rack of fragmented sale clearance out in walkway for the w/end."
  3. "Coors field/Mile high stadium is home to the Denver Broncos/Rockies which may attract seasonal passing traffic to Buckley."
  4. "Our Selection, Quality & Value can still compete well with other local specials."
  5. "Seasonal Tax, vacation & other financial periods"
  6. "Host Store clothing specials and demo attractions"
  7. "Introducing MTM and regular priced RTW garments first to our customers instead of just sale M/D can sometimes make all the difference to a day’s trade"

"Hope this helps! - Paul"

FORT DIX – Another strong week from Nicky this week with a result of 104% over target and 138% over Last year.

When asked what makes the difference for her branch, Nicky answered:

“I make sure I approach every customer – even the ones that are in the AAFES Chaps department! I’ll show them everything and try and sell a shirt and tie with every suit.”

I know for a fact that Nicky will also walk the store if it’s quiet and literally “Pull” customers into the department to buy a suit! (What ever works Nicky!).

FORT SAM – Also had another good week last week. Jeff closed out the week with 101% of target and over $5300 in total sales… not the biggest week the branch has ever done, but as I said earlier – it made target in a very hard week.

Jeff commented (After a bit of coaxing…. He’s shy ya know!)

“There is one particular sale that made last week attainable. One customer that I‘ve been helping for the last 5 weeks decided that he needed another Sports Jacket to add to his collection that he had purchased from Alexandre in Europe. He decided or should I say “I changed his mind “and he ended up purchasing 2 suits with 3 trousers.

Total sale came to over $1800.

This is one example how the week can change dramatically if you sow the seeds, be persistent are willing to follow up and then reap the rewards.

This one sale and a good day on RM’s achieved total sales of over $3700 on Saturday and now the week is looking more promising and both targets look achievable and were attained...

Neat & Tidy dept: (Take a look at your dept as a customer)…Would you buy a $400 suit here? If the answer is NO then change the dept around: Re-due displays make the whole dept more inviting with seasonal coordinated shirts/tie/ cufflink combinations. These add on sales are huge when totalled for the year and when the dept is more inviting, neat, tidy and sized, extra sales when your not present are more likely…(More commission and chance of bonus!)”

I knew I could get Jeff to make some comments – It was hard…. To get him to say anything!

So, from reading these comments you can see that the one thing that is a common factor between them all is “Multiple Sales

We talked about this at the conference and I am sure you all remember the comment that I made about all of us selling one shirt and a tie with every suit or jacket we sold – we would have made almost 1 ½ million dollars in accessory sales alone!

That is an astounding figure. Who would think that selling a shirt and tie with a suit would make such a huge difference at the end of the year?!

I know you’ve all heard it before but look at this exercise as a “Friendly Reminder” of what we can achieve…. Even when it’s bad out there.

Good Luck this week everyone - Andy Schofield


Leaving Goole this week is a pack of RM point of sale for every store which is to last for the whole of this financial year through to March 2009. Included in the pack are swingers and posters for the Techno Suit MJ303 in Europe and MJ412 in USA. I know it is difficult but when you can will you please try and remember to take the swingers off the garments as they are selling to maintain your supply. Thanksgiving posters and swingers, end of arm graphics advertising new lines, sale events etc and a host of different ready to wear material.


We have made a slight change to the flash sales on Team Talk this week. You now have the ability to be able to click into each division and view your own and each other’s sales by week.

Please take a moment to look at this as it is a good indicator as to how you compare to other stores and a sales view which we hope that you find interesting.


Tracey Roberts is on holiday from 22nd May through 6th June therefore any emails requiring answers or assistance should please be sent to Alexandre Support where Sandra will deal with them. Please be patient as Sandra will deal with queries as quickly as possible.

Team Talks will be sent directly to you from your Area Managers.

RM Promotions

Memorial Day

The Memorial Day promotion will be a promotion for this weekend which will be concentrated around further markdowns on already reduced merchandise. Between the dates of 22nd May through 28th May please reduce ALL already reduced suits, and mixer suits by an additional $50 off the suit price.

Fathers Day

The next promotion which is right around the corner is Fathers Day and you will have already seen the offer as it was promoted on the back of the 50% off made to measure postcard which should already have been sent out to your customers.

During week’s 11 and 12 customers can receive a free pair of cufflinks with ALL full priced suits, mixer suits or jacket and trouser combos. These are the only product categories that this offer applies to.

Further details will follow but as is usual during promotions of this kind, when the sale is made, the cufflinks should be put through the till at full price and the suit should be reduced by the cuff link $ value.