Issue 13/09

Friday, 18th July 2008

Another tough week last week – We seem to be “Stuck” on this theme guys... John Collins (Europe) Stated “It was un-lucky for some, last week” and it was for most of us, here and at home.

California Fires

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Another tough week last week – We seem to be “Stuck” on this theme guys... John Collins (Europe) Stated “It was un-lucky for some, last week” and it was for most of us, here and at home.

Ready Made, struggling against target with 70% also found it hard to meet last years number with only 81% That said, it was a slightly better week but it’s obvious that the weekends are letting us down…. Summer holidays and the all American favorite – BBQ time! Is keeping customers out of the exchange on Saturday & Sunday.

Made to Measure also had it’s issues and the last week of the sale didn’t bring in the customers like it normally does. Closing the week with 46% against target and 59% of Last Year – Let’s move on from this “Forgettable” week.

Your letters, emails & telephone calls will get them back in…. use the flyers and ask the main store to send it out in their Buddy List.

Week 13 - SUPER STAR!

One branch made the top this week – Can you guess who it was???

FORT DIX MCGUIRE – That’s right, Nicky managed to make the grade, all by herself this week with 105% of target and 101% over last year, a great job by itself, but what makes this even more of an outstanding achievement is that she did it one armed!

Not wanting her business to slip (Pardon the pun!), Nicky has continued to come into work even with her badly swollen and bruised arm in a sling. I thought that she had fallen whilst running around serving customers :) but apparently that wasn’t the case. She managed to get tripped up by her daughter at roller skating practice and did the damage to her wrist.

The good news is that (According to the one armed bandito herself) her fingers don’t look like giant sausages anymore and the swelling is going down.

Glad to hear it Nicky… Well done and thank you for your commitment – Get better soon!!

Congrats go to QUANTICO last week for top sales and largest increase over last year. Mark & Amanda had over $7,000 in total sales last week which was an increase of 222% over last years numbers – that new shop really is making “Pay back!” (Did someone say ‘Commission?!’)

Good luck & Good Trading this week.
Andy Schofield

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 13: Unlucky for some and it certainly was for us. You can see more details of this week’s figures on Oasys - it does makes for a depressing read compared to the last few weeks that we have had.

  LY $ Tgt $ Act $ Tgt % LY %
Made to Measure 12,534 14,552 2,780 19 22
Ready Made 32,445 35,813 24,085 67 74
Total Week 44.979 50,365 26,865 53 60

The summer months certainly hit home this week with all stores reporting little footfall. In fact it was so quiet all over and even though we all tried our best not one full time store came in above target. In fact Mannheim was the only store that came in above last year so no top five this week. Let’s make sure we get a top five next week.

It was a very slow and disappointing week for everybody; but do not let this week get to you. It was quiet with little footfall in the PX/BX which means very few potential customers and we all know what we can do when people are around. So long as we keep on top of things by keeping ourselves busy - make sure that the shop is clean and tidy, talk to the customers who do pass by letting them know what is on offer, make sure that all the sale garments have sale tickets on them and If they look a little dog-eared change them etc. so we will be ready for when those precious objects THE CUSTOMERS do come in the PX/BX.

Keep on thinking positive as we normally do and it can only get better.

Thank you, good health, and good trading.

John Collins