Issue 02/10

Monday, 16th February 2009

What a strange week the weather bringing lot’s of snow to Germany which slowed footfall in the stores but did not stop you getting the customers beating this week’s target and also last year well done.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 02

What a strange week the weather bringing lot’s of snow to Germany which slowed footfall in the stores but did not stop you getting the customers beating this week’s target and also last year well done.

Combined sales were 123% of target and 126% of last year.

MM was 174% of target and 185% of last year.

RM 116% of target and 117% of last year.

Made to Measure

Once again we smashed both target and last year, the suit for a price looks to be the sale the customers want. All the hard work of notifying the customers looks to be paying off.

Ready Made

Valentines Day helped with the sales of accessories
We sold an amazing Ties 409 Cuff links 113 FANTASTIC. We only have 3 black topcoats and 5 Grey topcoats left on the area. Let’s work on the tweeds still plenty of them around Black H/Bone 17 Grey H/Bone 90

At $130 A "BARGAIN"


Wiesbaden:Geoff Berry and Rob Miller.
Another fantastic week on both MM ($3561) and RM ($7635) which resulted in 256% against combined target and an unbelievable 348% of last year. Well done chaps

Stuttgart: Vince Blackett.
Could not be out done by a fellow Geordie again and brought in the “biz”
With a Fantastic combined target of 208% and a 154% of last year. Well done Vince.

Heidelberg: Alan Self.
Staying in putt this week with another fantastic week.
With combined target of 134%. Well done Alan.

Grafenwoehr: Paul Kerslake.
Back in the lights this week. With a combined target of 124% and a fantastic increase of 154% over last year. Well done Paul.

Ramstein: Trevor Scarratt, Rob Miller.
With another good week with 118% of combined target and 101% of last year. Well done Trevor and Rob.

Mannheim: Geoff Heath.
Geoff doing a great job while Melvyn is away with a very good 117% of combined target and a brilliant 174% of last year. Well done Geoff.

Chievres: Dave Cox.
A little bit of a let down on MM but a very good RM week making a good 111% of combined target and a brilliant 171% of last year. Well done Dave.

Lakenheath: John Knight.
John doing a grand job while Gary is away.
Coming in with 108% of combined target and a fantastic 171% of last year. Well done John.

Top dollar sales go to:
MM Wiesbaden $3561.
RM Stuttgart $7830.
Combined Sales Wiesbaden $11196.

A word of warning: FASCHING

Yes it is that time of the year again.
Week 3 Thursday 19th Feb is “CRAP TIE DAY”. The day the women in Germany go wild and go around cutting off men’s ties “SYMBOLIC ACTION” And even wilder in the evening so I am told. Make sure if you do wear a tie Thursday it is an old one.