Issue 03/10

Wednesday, 25th February 2009

Another great week on MM and with the last week of this promo let’s hope it keeps on bringing the customers in as week 4 is a big week $14000 for the area. The start of the 50% sale begins Sunday which should also give us a big push.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 03

Combined sales were 104% of target and 103% of last year.

MM was 136% of target and 149% of last year.

RM 103% of target and 97% of last year.

Made to Measure

Another great week on MM and with the last week of this promo let’s hope it keeps on bringing the customers in as week 4 is a big week $14000 for the area. The start of the 50% sale begins Sunday which should also give us a big push.

Ready Made

We beat target and came in just shy of last year. Great going. Stores were reporting lower footfall due to the 4 day weekend and the Fasching (carnival) events that are going on all over Germany at the moment in time. And heavy snow fall in certain regions. Despite all this we came in with the goods.


There was not a lot separating the top 3 this week.

Stuttgart: Vince Blackett.
Fed up with second place Vince did the duty and came in on top (only just) brought in the “biz”
With a combined target of 148% and a 111% of last year. Well done Vince.

Wiesbaden:Geoff Berry and Rob Miller.
Another good week from the “chaps” with 147% against combined target and 133% of last year. Well done chaps.

Grafenwoehr: Paul Kerslake.
Loving it in the lights moving up one to 3rd this week. With a combined target of 146% and another fantastic increase of 172% over last year. Well done Paul.

Chievres: Dave Cox.
MM was better this week and this gave a good 136% of combined target and a fantastic 231% of last year. Well done Dave.

Mannheim: Geoff Heath.
Geoff doing a great job while Melvyn is away with a very good 132% of combined target and a good 130% of last year. Well done Geoff.

Ramstein: Trevor Scarratt, Rob Miller.
Another good week with 103% of combined target and 101% of last year. Well done Trevor and Rob.

Lakenheath: Gary Bloom.
Gary is a little upset this week due to lack of footfall and business so I would like to bring to his attention that he was 96% of combined target and wait for it 229% of last year.
So Gary it is not all doom and gloom for Gary Bloom.

Top dollar sales go to:
MM . Stuttgart $1595.
RM Lakenheath $4785.
Combined Sales Ramstein $5822.

As you can see it was a decent week all around.