Issue 04/10

Thursday, 5th March 2009

A disastrous week on MM both on target and last year we reached only 50% off last year. This was not the true amount as we had four branches off line Saturday who could not put their sales through for week 4 but this will help week 5 sales. The start of the 50% off has attracted customers in most stores so we should be a lot nearer target this week.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 04

Combined sales were 83% of target and 92% of last year.

MM was 39% of target and 50% of last year.

RM 95% of target and 106% of last year.

Made to Measure

A disastrous week on MM both on target and last year we reached only 50% off last year. This was not the true amount as we had four branches off line Saturday who could not put their sales through for week 4 but this will help week 5 sales. The start of the 50% off has attracted customers in most stores so we should be a lot nearer target this week.

Ready Made

A good week on RM 95% of target and 106% of last year with some branches doing very well compared to last year.
Grafenwoehr 264%
Stuttgart 138%
Kaiserslautern 121%.
The new cuff links have now arrived and this should help the add on sales.


Stuttgart: Vince Blackett
Once again top spot goes to Vince and this with a short week due to the fact that he was doing his Alpine run.
With a combined target of 147% and a 115% of last year. Well done Vince.

Mannheim: Geoff Heath.
Another good week for Geoff in Mannheim
111% of combined target and a very good 151% of last year. Well done Geoff.

Grafenwoehr: Paul Kerslake.
Loving it in the lights and staying in 3rd this week. With a combined target of 108% and another fantastic increase of 285% over last year. Well done Paul.

Ramstein: Trevor Scarratt, Rob Miller.
Another good week with 106% of combined target and 114% of last year. Well done Trevor and Rob. Air Force balls helping out here.

Top dollar sales go to:
MM . Aviano $1486. Beating Kaiserslautern by $70.
RM Ramstein $7155. Beating Stuttgart by $145.
Combined Sales Kaiserslautern $7811.
Vince brought back from his Alpine run and Stuttgart a grand total of $11661