Issue 09/10

Tuesday, 14th April 2009

The MM 50% extension helped this weeks sales. We came in 91% of target and 106% of last year. Here are the top figures against target...

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 09

Combined sales were 83% of target and 90% of last year.

MM was 91% of target and 106% of last year.

RM 80% of target and 87% of last year.

Made to Measure

The MM 50% extension helped this weeks sales. We came in 91% of target and 106% of last year. Here are the top figures against target:

3268 Wiesbaden 2,485 819 303%
3216 Brussels Embassy 1,305 230 567%
3281 Chievres 1,365 1,126 121%
3156 Schweinfurt 345 333 104%
3230 Stuttgart 1,270 1,203 106%
3259 Ramstein 1,020 1,024 100%

Ready Made

Not as good as we had hoped for the week before Easter but still a decent week. We came in 80% of target and 87% of last year. The low footfall is still very much felt in most stores even with the extra reductions for Easter sales were not quiet as expected. Some braches came close to target

3223 Bamberg 765 680 113%
3197 Kaiserslautern 6,065 6,155 99%
3162 Lakenheath 5,080 5,436 93%
3282 Mannheim 2,130 2,330 91%
3230 Stuttgart 4,215 4,854 87%
3268 Wiesbaden 3,800 4,466 85%

A quick summary on who did what this week

The branches that hit or came close to combined target

3216 Brussels Embassy 1,305 230 567%
3268 Wiesbaden 6,285 5,285 119%
3282 Mannheim 2,575 2,842 91%
3230 Stuttgart 5,485 6,057 91%

Branches with sales over $5,000

3197 Kaiserslautern 6,510
3268 Wiesbaden 6,285
3162 Lakenheath 6,085
3259 Ramstein 5,745
3230 Stuttgart 5,485

A few stores did come in stronger than last year: Here is the full break down of combined sales compared to last year If it is not shown then there were no sales to go against.

Store % MM % RM Total %
3156 Schwinfurt 17 23 20
3162 Lakenheath - 160 192
3192 Heidelberg 24 62 50
3197 Kaiserslautern - 96 103
3204 Baumholder - - -
3207 Garmisch - - -
3215 GB Shape - - -
3216 Brussels Embassy - - -
3223 Bamberg - - -
3226 Schinnen - - -
3230 Stuttgart 124 100 105
3256 Grafenwhor 80 88 86
3259 Ramstein 100 64 68
3268 Wiesbaden 178 62 84
3281 Chievres 225 88 121
3282 Mannheim 43 100 81
3361 Vicenza - - -
3362 Aviano send to 3230 Stutt - 109 109
Area Total 106 87 90

I hope this gives you a better feeling on how the area is performing.

Display tip from Dave Tindell in Schweinfurt

Look at your customer base and display accordingly. Dave has a younger customer.

I am sure you all agree the displays do catch the eye. Thanks David.

What tips or tricks can you pass on!!!

Good luck and good trading
John Collins