Issue 17/10

Thursday, 4th June 2009

We beat the combined targets 102% and last year 111% for the first time in a while what a nice feeling well done. Great team effort without the contribution from ALL branches we could not have done it.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 17

Combined sales were 102% of target and 111% of last year.

MM was 110% of target and 132% of last year.

RM 101% of target and 109% of last year.

Made to Measure

Nice to see we beat both target 102% and last year 111% all the hard work paid off the week with the customers making use of the last week of the 50% off sale. Well done.

The main contributions came from:

Trevor Scarratt and Rob Miller in Ramstein: With $3300 which was top for MM sales this week which was an amazing 462% of target. Another great week> Well done Gents.

Leigh Poulton, Rob Miller in Kaiserslautern: Came in with $2085 and a very good 210% of target. A wonderful week well done.

Paul Kerslake in Grafenwoehr: With $940 and 127% of target. Well done Paul.

Vince Blackett in Aviano: Came back from his over the Alps trip $1300 which went well towards beating the target. Well done Vince.

Ready Made

We just beat the target 101% and did 109% of last year.

The main contributors this week:

Leigh Poulton, helped by Rob Miller in Kaiserslautern: Came in top with $7905 a 140% of target the lads from Baumholder found their way to Kaiserslautern well done Leigh and Rob.

Paul Kerslake in Grafenwoehr: $5225 a 136% of target. Another great week. Well done Paul.

Trevor Scarratt helped by Rob Miller in Ramstein: Came in $6245 a 109% of target. The troops from Baumholder are back. A lot of hard work. Fantastic Gents.

Melvyn Bromby in Mannheim: $2280 a 106% of target good job Melvyn.

Combined Sales

We beat the combined targets 102% and last year 111% for the first time in a while what a nice feeling well done. Great team effort without the contribution from ALL branches we could not have done it.

The top contributors are:

Kaiserslautern $9990 a 151% of target. Fantastic week Leigh and Rob.

Ramstein $9575 a 149% of target. Fantastic week Trevor and Rob.

Grafenwoehr $6165 a 135% of target. Good going Paul.

Vince “the traveller” Blackett came back from one of his epic over the Alps journey with booty in his sack of $5260. MM $1300 and RM $3950 on his return hence did $4444 in Stuttgart a total for the week of $9704. Exhausting voyage but well worth it.

Well done Vince.

Good luck and good trading
John Collins