Issue 18/10

Wednesday, 10th June 2009

Here is the new shirt fixture that we have put into Lakenheath and will be sent out to certain stores in the future. I am sure you will agree it is very impressive and it can hold around 200 shirts.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 18

Combined sales were 83% of target and 90% of last year.

MM was 75% of target and 70% of last year.

RM 84% of target and 94% of last year.

Made to Measure

Disappointing week considering it was the last week of the 50% off sale although a few branches did have a good finish to the sale.

The main contributions came from:

Trevor Scarratt and Rob Miller in Ramstein: With $2069 once again top for MM sales 236% of target. Another great week. Well done Gents.

Paul Kerslake in Grafenwoehr: With $1890 and 211% of target. Doing even better than last week. Well done Paul.

Dave Cox G.B.SHAPE : With $1111 very nice to see. Well done Dave.

The latest promotion we have 2 suits for $650 is one of our more popular offers it is very competitive and has substantial savings over the regular price.

We have a very good range of cloths with quiet a few from the LS bunch which offers an incredible saving over the normal price which as we all know is a great selling point to all our customers young and old.

Ready Made

We came in short of target 84% but were closer to last year 94% with some very good trade figures coming from the “usual suspects”.

A lot of sales were due to people going on cruises and needing suits for special occasions and a lot of shirts and ties being sold for local parties.

Accessories sold week 18:

Cuff links 46
Shirts 108
Ties 247

That is a lot of add on sales well done everybody.

The main contributors this week:

Leigh Poulton, helped by Rob Miller John in Kaiserslautern: Came in top with $11135 a 148% of target the lads from Baumholder found their way to Kaiserslautern yet again. Well done Leigh and Rob.

Vince Blackett in Stuttgart: $7015 a 118% of target. Well done Vince.

Melvyn Bromby in Mannheim: $3040 a 107% of target good job Melvyn. What a way to finish a career on an UP.

This is Melvyn’s last week “on the job” as he will be on holiday until he officially retires the 18th June 2009 . I talk for everybody who has known and worked with Melvyn over the “few” years” he has been with Alexandre London on saying Thank you and all the best for the future.

Good luck and good trading
John Collins

Combined Sales

We missed combined targets 83% and last year 90% it was not for a lack of trying with a few stores coming in over target and most of the rest not far off.

The arrival of troops back from “down range” has helped two stores in particular the last couple of weeks which we are very thankful for as this meant we made or were near target.

The top contributors are:

Kaiserslautern $11925 a 137% of target. Another fantastic week Leigh, Rob and John.

Ramstein $8614 a 102% of target. Once again a very good week Trevor and Rob.

Stuttgart $7570 a 109% of target. Good going Vince after your travels.

Good effort week 18 from everybody let’s see what we can pull out of the bag this week.

Week 19 the targets are: RM $45,500 and MM $11,500

We have made a good start and at the moment we are 16% of RM and 42% of MM.