Issue 20/10

Monday, 22nd June 2009

[USA - Andy Schofield] A vast improvement last week ladies & gentlemen, the many promotions we had on offer for Father’s Day really helped us on Ready Made and ultimately, we beat target and last year’s numbers…. Well done!

California Fires

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

A vast improvement last week ladies & gentlemen, the many promotions we had on offer for Father’s Day really helped us on Ready Made and ultimately, we beat target and last year’s numbers…. Well done!

Ready Made saved the day for us as customers took advantage of the reductions and give-a-ways. The increase in sales helped off-set the deductions as planned.

Closing the week 140% up on target and 150% up on last year this was an excellent result and helped carry made to measure.

Made to Measure didn’t do as well, probably due to such good reductions on RM’s. Hopefully this will pick up this week as we come to the end of the $750 promotion. We closed the week 39% of target and 40% of last year… I know we can and will make this up this week…. Right guys?!

Overall we came out ahead of target with 104% of target and 118% over last year with total sales over $58,000. Well done everyone – if we can keep this momentum going we’ll be looking good by the half way mark, in five weeks (Can you believe we are already coming up on 26 weeks?!)


Some impressive numbers – several branches exceeded target last week:

  • Buckley AFB – Allan – 207% A happy surprise to see this branch hitting some positive numbers Allan. A good result and one we hope continues – Well done!
  • Nellis AFB – Trevor – 201% Great Job! Trevor is here again... He’s hit target for the last 5 weeks and has really turned the branch around.
  • Fort Lewis – Dave – 138% Nice one Dave! Even though Seattle is seeing the largest troop movements in the US, Dave managed to get his branch in the top three.
  • Langley AFB – Dave – 136% Another Dave in the top spot this week! Dave (Nicholls) has managed to keep Langley in the spot light and is currently running at 170% above target! – Dave’s “bringing ‘em back alive!”

There were a couple of other branches that exceeded target last week also: Fort Myer (Nathan), Fort Sam (Jeff) and McChord (Drew) – Well done gentlemen.

!! 15 branches made target on Ready Mades last week !!

Top sales as of Sunday night for the USA – Go for it Dominic!!
Region Store Actual Target % Tgt
Aafes - USA Travis 2,035 3,210 63.4
Aafes - USA Fort Belvoir 3,200 7,234 44.2
Aafes - USA Langley AFB 585 1,982 29.5


OK, I just want to be clear... this is Richard’s Joke – Not mine

“A sharply dressed man in a suit walks into a bar. There is no one else in the bar but the barman and he orders a drink from him.

As he is sipping his “Scotch” he hears a voice say, “That is a very sharp suit you’re wearing, sir” but the man can’t tell where the voice is coming from.

After a couple more sips of his “Scotch” he hears the same voice say “That’s a very nice shirt and tie combination you have on, sir”. The man can’t figure out where the voice is coming from and tells the barman what has happened.

“Oh, that’s an easy one, sir. You see, it was the nuts which spoke to you. THEY’RE COMPLIMENTARY”.



Some amazing dates here guys – We must be doing something right if these guys are still with us!

  • Steve Hill – Started with Alexanandre, 11th June, 1974
  • Jeff Boardman – Started with Alexandre 25th June 1990
  • Richard Crocket – Started with Alexandre 20th June 1988
  • Tim Brooks – Started with Alexandre 1st July 2001

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 20

Combined sales were 102% of target and 112% of last year.

MM was 50% of target and 58% of last year.

RM 119% of target and 129% of last year.

Made to Measure

Not to good this week with only 50% of target and 58% of last year the Father’s day RM promotion took sales away from the MM as customers wanted presents now.

The main contributions came from:

Vince Blackett in Stuttgart: Top of the pile with $1950 which is 194% of target. Well done Vince nice to see before your trip to Italy.

Paul Kerslake in Grafenwoehr: With $1360 which is 155% of target. Well done Paul

Ready Made

This week we beat the target 119% and last year 129% the Father’s day reductions helped in most stores. All though low footfall was reported nearly every store came in above target great effort from everybody.

The main contributors this week:

Trevor Scarratt and Geoff Heath in Ramstein: Came in top once again with 164% of target $7005 a good week all round well done Gents.

Leigh Poulton Geoff Heath and John Collins in Kaiserslautern: With 140% of target $5925 well done to all of you.

Gary Bloom in Lakenheath: Came in with 122% of target $4545 not bad for a quiet week well done Gary.

Robert Miller in Mannheim: Came in with 119% of target and $1910 in trade nice one Rob.

Vince Blackett in Stuttgart: Came in with 114% of target and trade of $3800. Well done Vince.

Paul Kerslake in Grafenwoehr: Came in 111% of target $3175 a good week all round well done Paul.

Combined Sales

The RM increase out weighed the deficit on MM and we came in 102% of target and 112% of last year. The Father’s day sale helped push the sales once again with the reduced garments attracting customers and also the reduction on accessories helped the area sales. The area sold

Cuff links 52
Ties 215
Shirts 90

The top contributors are:

Ramstein 137% of target and a trade total of $7005. Again another fantastic week Trevor and Rob.

Stuttgart 209% of target with a trade total of $5759 Well done Vince a good mix of MM and RM.

Kaiserslautern 124% of target and a trade total of $6715. Well done Leigh Rob and John.

Grafenwoehr 121% of target with a trade total of $4535 great week Paul keep it up.

I would like to thank Melvyn Bromby for all his hard work and dedication to the export team and after a long a successful career can now retire.

That is from the normal job he will not be bored as he has told us he will be managing a young family Michael and Carstan. Good luck for the future and we wish you a healthy retirement.

Mr Melvyn Bromby and Mr John Collins

Mr Melvyn Bromby and Mr Alan Self

From the rest of the export team a bottle of wine with coasters and a matching clock.

Alan was not only there to say good bye to Melvyn on his last day he also there on his first day having a beer with Melvyn on his first day the summer of 1978 in Frankfurt when Melvyn arrived in Germany. Now that’s amazing.

I would also like to take the opportunity to congratulate Robert Miller on taking over from Melvyn as branch manager of Mannheim.