Issue 21/10

Monday, 29th June 2009

All branches were above target and to name the top 3 would be unjust to the rest of the team. I would like to pick out one manager this week as he stands out so much and I am sure you all agree he deserves that little extra mention. Vince Blackett...

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 21

Combined sales were 193% of target and 210% of last year.

MM was 428% of target and 496% of last year.

RM 162% of target and 174% of last year.

Made to Measure

What a lovely sight to see. An absolutely fantastic week even with reported low footfall in the stores well done. All the previous weeks hard work paid off brilliant.

The main contributions came from:

Vince Blackett in Stuttgart: Once again king of the castle with $3450 which is 1088% of target. (How did that low target slip by) not taking away from the hard work he put in, not only in Stuttgart but also in Italy were he brought back $1900 from his adventure over the Alps for a grand total of $5440 on MM alone . Well done Vince

Gary in Lakenheath: With $2150 which is 350% of target which is not bad seeing as Gary is telling us how quiet it is in Lakenheath. Well done Gary

Leigh and John in Kaiserslautern: With $1760 which is 474% of target. Well done Leigh

Geoff in Wiesbaden: With $1410 which is 653% of target. Well done Geoff

Alan in Heidelberg: With $1440 which is 410% of target. Well done Alan

Trevor and Leigh in Ramstein: With $1130 which is 419% of target. Well done Trevor and Leigh.

Ready Made

Starting the Independence day sale early without a break from the Fathers day sale certainly kept the momentum going as we smashed both target and last year figures

This week we beat the target 162% and last year 174% once again with low footfall being reported this shows that most of the customers who came to look went away with something.

The main contributors this week: EVERYBODY

The top 3

Robert Miller in Mannheim: Is certainly taking on the role as the new manager of Mannheim seriously his second week in and he beat target again this week with 293% of target and $3625 taking over from Melvyn is not easy but you have started the right way nice one Rob.

Leigh Poulton and John Collins in Kaiserslautern: With 175% of target $5720 in trade well done.

Vince Blackett in Stuttgart: Away from the branch a couple of days in Italy and still came in with 178% of target and $4590 in trade. Not only that he came back with $4655 from his trip south. Well done Vince.

Combined Sales

193 % of target a great week from everybody a lot of hard work and effort went into achieving this

The top contributor is:

All branches were above target and to name the top 3 would be unjust to the rest of the team. I would like to pick out one manager this week as he stands out so much and I am sure you all agree he deserves that little extra mention.

Vince Blackett

Stuttgart 278% of target with a trade total of $8040 as well as
Vicenza $3405
Aviano $2110
Garmisch $1130
For a grand total of $14685
Well done Vince a fantastic trip over the Alps.