Issue 30+31/10

Tuesday, 10th September 2009

Shared honours this week Dave Tindell with another great performance out of 2 quiet stores. Closely followed by Dave Cox who turned over $6029 from his branch Chievres and his trip over to Holland. Great job chaps. Honours this week go to Dave Cox/Mark Fletcher in Chievres. Who is covering for Dave week 31.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 30

Combined sales were 100% of target and 109% of last year.

MM was 73% of target and 83% of last year.

RM 105% of target and 112% of last year.

Actual / Target % Actual / Target % Actual / Target %
Combined sales top 3 MM sales top 3 RM sales top 3
Schweinfurt 245% Schweinfurt 745% Chievres 188%
Chievres 181% Wiesbaden 183% Schweinfurt 186%
Stuttgart 126% Chievres 153% Stuttgart 126%

Top Dollar Sales

Combined Sales MM Sales RM Sales
Kaiserslautern $5369 Schweinfurt $1074 Kaiserslautern $4600

Top Percentage of Sales to Target

Combined % MM % RM %
Schweinfurt 245% Schweinfurt 745% Chievres 185%

Shared honours this week Dave Tindell with another great performance out of 2 quiet stores. Closely followed by Dave Cox who turned over $6029 from his branch Chievres and his trip over to Holland. Great job chaps

Week 31

Combined sales were 89% of target and 94% of last year.

MM was 44% of target and 30% of last year.

RM 104% of target and 112% of last year.

Actual / Target % Actual / Target % Actual / Target %
Combined sales top 3 MM sales top 3 RM sales top 3
Schweinfurt 158% Schweinfurt 156% Schweinfurt 159%
Chievres 123% Wiesbaden 155% Chievres 137%
Mannheim 113% Chievres 94% Ramstein 126%

Top Dollar Sales

Combined Sales MM Sales RM Sales
Ramstein $7265 Wiesbaden $1340 Ramstein $6775

Top Percentage of Sales to Target

Combined % MM % RM %
Schweinfurt 158% Schweinfurt 156% Schweinfurt 159%

Honours this week go to Dave Cox/Mark Fletcher in Chievres. Who is covering for Dave week 31.

Competition Winner

The winner of the AAFES radio advertisement goes to: Paul Kerslake in Grafenwoehr, congrats Paul the gift voucher is coming your way.

Free Staff Suit

If you still have a staff suit voucher to put through please do so this week.