Europe Issue 01+02

Monday, 14th February 2011

We have the winter sale on with some good reductions and all we need is another cold snap to finish off the rest of the top coats.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

The first two weeks of the new financial year did not go as well as the same time last year. After the first two weeks we are 82% on target and on last year.

That is $15,000 which if we all pull together we can start pulling that back.


MM 149% of Target and 162% of last year
RM 81% of target and 81% of last year
This brings us for the year on combined totals
Target 93% Last year 93%


As you can see we had a fantastic start on MM with
Lakenheath and Heidelberg $2482 = 194% / $2480 = 184% of last year.
Stuttgart and Wiesbaden with $1760/$1196 more than what they did last year.


Not such a good start with only one branch Chievres beating both target and last year well done Dave. The warmer weather of course did not help and also the good MM promotion.


MM 72% of Target and 70% of last year
RM 81% of target and 81% of last year
This brings us for the year on combined totals
Target 83% Last year 82%


Dropped against both target and last year.
Two branches did come in above target and last year
Heidelberg 155% of last year 269% of target.
Wiesbaden 111% of last year 131% of target.
Another good week from Alan and Geoff in Heidelberg and Geoff Berry in Wiesbaden.


We came in again around 80% of last year and target for the second week running.
We have to work on that to bring it up to the 100% area.


The large banner sale advertising our MM sale has certainly caught the customer’s eye. Here are a couple of examples.

Heidelberg Echange
On the stairs


Entrance to the store


Good luck & Good Trading.
John Collins.


We have the winter sale on with some good reductions and all we need is another cold snap to finish off the rest of the top coats.

We have to get down and sell the reduced garments to make way for the new Spring/Summer ranges.


KMCC has a rolling rack with the top coats out on the walkway and that is getting a lot of attention see what you can do extra to what you are doing now to pull in them sales.


Alan has once again has done himself proud with this great example for the buddy list