Europe Issue 02

Wednesday, 23rd February 2011

OK, this is a great competition and one, which could make you some good “Scratch!”

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

What a great week!

The First time we were up on both MM and RM.

The FREE trousers /vest has certainly been a success let us push it all the way.

We are now back on track against target.

We have a large target to do on RM this week but with the winter sale reductions and the introduction of an extra discount on top coats and sport jackets which helped push the sales at the end of week 3 and have given us a decent start to week 4. We should reach our goal.


We have a fantastic incentive for you to help yourselves earn money as well as helping the area. Read on.

I would like to thank the managers who went in on Monday Presidents Day their day off but unfortunately it was not as good as we expected. The old saying “Something is better than nothing” springs to mind.


OK, this is a great competition and one, which could make you some good “Scratch!”

Here are the details and instructions, which need to be followed to the “T” to win this competition:


Competition Rules & Instructions

  • This competition is for the Best Multiple Sale to one customer, this week only!
  • “Multiple sale” means the total dollar sales amount to one customer at one time.
  • This will be checked using your stores IMR or Essentus system and verified.
  • It will also be crosschecked using Oasis.

So that these sales stand out and are easier for us to see, you must enter “9999” into the “Transaction Number” box on the sales entry screen. You must also enter the customer details (at least the customers name) when prompted to do so after entering each item. This (as you know) creates a sales “Folder” for that customer on the date you sell him / her the items.

If you do not follow these instructions then your sale won’t count!

So, what does this really mean, in terms of $$$$

Let’s say you have a customer come in and he buys $3,000 worth of suits, topcoats, sports jacket, shirts, ties & cufflinks.

You’ll enter the information as detailed above and if this is the best multiple sale out of the European branches for the week, you’ll get a gift card for the place of your choice, to the tune of $150! - (Remember, that’s on top of your usual commission too!)

This is a great opportunity to earn some extra cash this week for you and your branch.

You’ve got the tools – Email flyer has been sent out to your customers… You’ve still got the “Spend $350 get an extra $50 off” vouchers… Winter Markdown, including coats done… and now you have a great sales incentive too!


[With special thanks to Andy]

We are all winners

Evan if you are not the “winner” of this competition it should put more money in your pay packet this week by making you more aware of introducing another item to the customer (which generates more commission) to try to be the one who ends up on top.

Why give all the money to the customer via more discount let the good salesperson YOU benefit from your extra hard work.

The only place you will find success before work
Is in the dictionary

Good luck & Good Trading.
John Collins.

Week 3

MM 174% of Target and 168% of last year
RM 116% of target and 114% of last year

This brings us for the year on combined totals
Target 99.99% Last year 99.5%

Keep up the good work