Europe Issue 04

Tuesday, 22nd March 2011

The removal of the red sale tickets did make the shops look a lot nicer but were missed by the customer. Putting them back on only in smaller amounts at the end of the week did bring the customers back into the store and stopped the week from being a total disaster.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 7 - Combined Trade Against Target
Store Description Actual Target Variance % of Target Bonus
Aafes - Europe
3156 Schweinfurt 1,487 1,684 -197 88.3  
3162 Lakenheath 3,711 5,893 -2,182 63.0  
3192 Heidelberg 4,635 4,626 9 100.2  
3223 Bamberg 870 582 288 149.5  
3226 Schinnen 775 61 714 1,270.5  
3230 Stuttgart 5,319 5,519 -200 96.4  
3256 Grafenwhoer 5,125 3,740 1,385 137.0  
3260 KMCC Ramstein 12,235 10,764 1,471 113.7  
3268 Wiesbaden 4,120 3,976 144 103.6  
3281 Chievres 4,621 2,970 1,651 155.6  
3282 Mannheim 1,770 1,768 2 100.1  
3362 Aviano send to 3230 Stutt 970 867 103 111.9  
Aafes - Europe Totals 45,638 42,450 3,188 107.5  
GB Shape
3215 GB Shape 801 380 421 210.7  
3216 Brussels Embassy 790 246 544 321.1  
GB Shape Totals 1,591 626 965 254.1  

Although most everybody did well I would like to mention the following:

Chievres: Dave Cox on his travels around the Benelux with close to $7,000
MM $2090
RM $4897
Combined Sales $6987
Nice to see Dave

KMCC: The crew Trevor Andy and Paul were up on both target and last year.
MM 152% of target
RM 103% of target
Combined 114% of Target.
Fantastic lads.

Schweinfurt: Dave Tindell [No we have not forgotten you Dave] having a very difficult time in Schweinfurt with the rotation of troops, deployments and the uncertainty of “will we close or stay open”. Had his first good MM week with $1382 well done Dave I know it is very hard but keep that smile on your face.

Measure Models

If you have not ordered any measure models lately would you please do so and send in your request to me.


With the re-alignment of employees in Leeds would you all address your expenses to Jade Stanley going forward.


We have 3 special people this month and ALL on the same day:

24 March a special day
Gary Bloom
Alan Self
Paul Black

Congrats Lads not letting on how many candles would be needed for the combined total of years

The only place you will find success before work
Is in the dictionary

Good luck & Good Trading.
John Collins.

Week 6

MM 51% of Target and 67% of last year
RM 77% of target and 76% of last year
Combined 74% Target and 74% of last year
Year combined totals Target 93% Last year 96%

A very disappointing week all round on Both RM and MM.

RM: The removal of the red sale tickets did make the shops look a lot nicer but were missed by the customer. Putting them back on only in smaller amounts at the end of the week did bring the customers back into the store and stopped the week from being a total disaster.

MM: The last few days off the free trousers vest promotion was a little slower than we thought but overall the sale was a great success putting us 109% target and 115% on last year. Great job Lady and Gents.

Despite the low trade figures 1or 2 branches stood out:

Heidelberg with Alan Self and Geoff Heath the ”dynamic duo” their words and actions.

MM 183% Target 275% last year
RM 101% Target 220% last year
Combined 120% of Target

Stuttgart Leigh Poulton no MM but 134% of RM target
Combined 113% of Target.
Good going Leigh.

Week 7

MM 68% of Target and 66% of last year
RM 121% of target and 127% of last year
Combined 110% Target and 109% of last year
This brings us for the year on combined totals
Target 95% Last year 98%

Once again a decent response to last week’s numbers with RM on the up unfortunately MM down once again.


The late arrival of the cloths to be used did not help but we still could have offered the free trousers/vest until the info arrived. The reason for the late notice was that Tracey had problems with here e-mail and could not send or receive them so she could not send out until the problem was fixed.


The right response after last week the red sale tickets once again attracting attention due to their absence with customers asking “Is this all”. With us showing them the full selection of reduced stock. Good sales throughout the area with most stores being above target.