Issue 21/08

Friday, 28th August 2007

The next made to measure promotion due to start on Saturday 1st September is: $300 off all suits including merchants (Europe), $400 off all suits including merchants (USA). This amount is the reduction on either a two piece or three piece suit. There is no higher reduction for a 3pce suit than $300 or $400. This is a suit only promotion available on all bunches which on Windsor is a very good starting price. Extra trousers are available at 20% off the current list price.


Europe - Notes from John Collins

So how did it go last week?

Actual Target % Tgt % L/Y
Ready Made
002 Aafes - Europe 29,740 24,159 123.1 120.7
Made to Measure
002 Aafes - Europe 1,814 9,116 19.9 17.7
002 Aafes - Europe 118 0 0.0 0.0
020 John Collins 31,823 33,831 94.1 91.2

The area was 94% of combined targets not good but OK, however when you split that between ready made and made to measure sales it is a little scary. Whilst we did 123% of the ready-made target, we had a very disappointing 20% of target and only 19% of last year on made to measure sales. Only three stores turned over made to measure trade this week these being:

  • Wurzburg
  • Stuttgart
  • Kaiserslautern

The rest of the team turned in zero made to measure trade hence only 20% of target. This is the last week of the 30% - 50% sale so push those sales through.

TIP: It may seem a little early to mention Christmas to customers, but with the balls and all, which can start in November, it is only a little over 3 months away. The suits can take up to 8 weeks due to heavy sales of made to measure due to Christmas orders (normally 6 weeks ) and we do not want to have a disappointed customer when their suit arrives late or not enough time to order. This could entice the customer to catch this sale rather than the next.

The top stores are:

  • Wurzburg 170% of target, well done Dave.
  • Lakenheath 161% of target very good Gary.

Not for the lack of trying, we have not seen the next branches in the top spots for a while so congratulation’s to:

  • Ramstein 107% of target: Trevor and Robbie.
  • Kaiserslautern 105% of target: John (me) and Paul.
  • Mannheim 104% of target: Melvyn.

We know that a lot of troops are now downrange so this makes it essential that we are at our counter so when that customer comes up to look or buy we can get that sale - be it ready wear or made to measure.

Remember - made to measure with 4% commission is like selling 2 - 3 ready to wear’s in trade and 4 ready to wear sales in commission.

We all need to work together to succeed.

Thank you, good luck and good trading.
John Collins

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Business wasn’t booming last week as most shoppers across the US were interested in one thing – Back to School! The good news is that we should start to see better numbers across the board now as we settle in to the start of the suit season. It’s already September 1st (Saturday) which means only 16 more weeks until the Christmas Holidays! It sounds a long way off, but in terms of Made to Measure – it isn’t that long…. Be sure to remind your customers!!

Last week Made to Measure struggled with only 40% of target, that’s only $9700 in sales total for the USA. The bright note here is that it was 109% of Last Year, so you can see how bad it was in 2006 this same week.

Ready Made didn’t fair any better with only 75% against target and 82% of Last Year – the total sales for last week were only $42,000 so we have a lot to make up over the next couple of months guys.

Keep going, it’s a struggle but I know if we keep pushing every sale we can, we’ll come through the other side.

Week 19 Star Performers

FORT BRAGG –Top branch yet again! Adelle is using all of her knowledge and expertise to make every single sale count. On Thursday Adelle participated in a local Job Fair for the troops on Fort Bragg at the Officer’s club and promoted Made to Measure suits (A lot like a TAPS class). The visit paid off and I am sure Adelle will also be reaping the benefits next week too – See you in the top spot in week 22 Adelle!!

FORT MYER Richard had a great week with almost $5000 in sales. $2600 of that was on Measures – Not bad to say the week started out slow – Well done Richard.

FORT DIX –Still hanging onto the top three spot and again getting her name in lights (This has to be a record of some sort!) Nicky managed 120% of target. With $2000 on both RM and MM Nicky showed that it is possible to have a “Four Grand” week even though it’s “Back to School” – Good job Nicky.

Well done to all of you that made target this week – it was a tough one.

Welcome Back!

I would like to welcome back Andrew Meek to the company. Andrew worked for us in 2005 at Nellis AFB then went onto Savile Row, working at the Minneapolis store.  That store closed last year and Drew went his own way for a while, but I am pleased to say that we managed to pull him back into the fold and he will be working out of McChord AFB and also doing West Coast Relief operations when needed. Currently Drew is on Relief for Dominic at Travis AFB.

Welcome back Drew!

Good Weeks Trading Everyone... Andy.

Factory Holidays...

Our overseas factory will be closed from Friday 12th October 1007 thru Wednesday 17th October. This means that it does not affect this promotion but it will affect the next one.

Suit of the Month September

The suit of the month for September is:

suit of the month $100 off
ST448 / ST449 / ST450 / ST451
    3291 Bermuda ST451
Lakenheath ST450 3501 Andrews ST449
Heidelberg ST450 3502 Fort Belvoir ST453
Kaiserslautern ST448 3503 Travis AFB ST451
Wurzburg ST448 3504 Sam Houston ST449
Stuttgart ST448 3505 Fort Myer ST453
Vilseck ST450 3506 McDill ST453
Ramstein ST450 3507 Fort Bragg ST453
Weisbaden ST448 3508 Fort Lewis ST453
Hanau   3509 Fort Meade ST453
Cheivres ST448 3510 McHord ST455
Mannheim ST450 3514 Colorado Springs ST447
Aviano ST448 3518 Langley ST449
    3519 Fort Dix McGuire ST449
    3520 Nellis ST449
    3541 Buckley ST376
    3600 Quantico ST453
    3602 Henderson Hall ST449


The new Grafenwoehr store will be shopfitted during week commencing 10th September when Paul Kerslake will move from his existing shop in Vilseck to his brand new store in Graf. We wish Paul every success with the move.


Due to changes in the layout of the store in Hanau we will be closing our department around 15th September. Robbie will continue to work his usual rota and prior to then we will have a closing down sale of an additional 20% off all merchandise in store including already reduced merchandise. If you have any customer’s who shop in this area please let them know of this event as soon as possible as we need to clear the merchandise and get the additional sales between now and closure.


As I will be on vacation for the next two week’s your Team Talk will be sent to you directly from your Area Manager. Normal service will be resumed during week 24 when all issues will be placed on Oasys.


Your monthly back chat will follow shortly, please look out for it...


Kathryn will unfortunately be leaving us on Friday 14th September to return to College to take up a Travel and Tourism course for one year. I am sure that you will all join me in wishing Kathryn every success for the future and to thank her for her hard work and dedication since she joined the Overseas Division. If you want to contact Kathryn prior to her leaving please do so via her personal email address, all other business will continue as normal through the Alexandre Support Desk, Sandra Andrews and myself. From 14th September please send all emails to Goole to Alexandre Support.


happy birthday
  • Jason Schwartz - 26th August
  • Dave France - 7th September
  • Vince Blackett - 13th September