Issue 28/08

Wednesday, 17th October 2007

The long awaited branch refit of Quantico took place this week and was completed on time (As always!) by the shop fitters from MNA – Mick & Gary. The two guys did an excellent job and the new store looks fantastic! All MCX Management and staff love the new look and think it looks like a “Shiny Diamond!”


Europe - Notes from John Collins

So how did we do during week 27 and 28?

Week 27

The area was again disappointing at 66% of target but 104% of last year on combined targets. The reason for the high targets at the moment is due to the best Made to Measure sale of the season - 50% OFF, which we didn’t have last year at this time.

The only two branches who were on target or above during this week were:-

  • Mannheim: Good to see Melvyn Bromby again with 132% on combined targets and turning in a good measure figure
  • Grafenwhoer: Again, nice to see Paul Kerslake doing well. whist not beating target came in with a very respectable 98% of combined target.

Thank you for you efforts and let us see those big figures this week especially on Made to Measure. This is the big sale and we have the chance to pull the deficit back.

The Business Week

Made to Measure:

Again high targets as we know due to the 50% OFF sale. Even though we did not beat Made to Measure target some branches are turning in good measure business:-

  • Alan Self in Heidelberg - $3172 Very Good
  • Paul Kerslake and Geoff Heath in Kaiserslautern - $1878
  • Melvyn Bromby in Mannheim - $1708
  • Gary Bloom - Lakenheath $1275

Ready to wear

The new lines are now in store and the colder days are on their way so that will help in the coming weeks.

Week 28

This week was better than last. The area was 85% of combined target and 133% of last year.

The top branches were:-

  • Garmisch 345% well done Vince it was a good visit
  • GB Shape 214% nice to see Dave
  • Lakenheath 129% of target once again great going Gary
  • Ramstein 116% of target good to see Trevor and Rob back up there.

The Business Week

We still have high targets on Made to Measure due to the 50% off sale, which is not having such a big pull on business, as it should be. To pull this back we need to re-notify our regular customers to give them a chance to catch this deal. You can send out your postcards as a follow up to the customer letter and you can also use these to distribute around the store.

Some branches are doing well on Made to Measure:-

  • Gary Bloom in Lakenheath came in with $1912
  • Dave Cox in GB Shape did $1855
  • Vince Blackett in Aviano did $1585
  • Geoff Berry in Wiesbaden did $1239
  • Melvyn Bromby in Mannheim did $1215 Excellent keep pushing Melvyn.
  • Trevor Scarratt and Rob Miller turned in $1182.

Made to measure is still out there we just have to be persistent. Make use of this great made to measure offer.

Thank you and keep up the good work.


Try to get an email address from all customers on Made to Measure and Ready to Wear. When you have an address, you can add this to your contacts address book in outlook and you can notify the customers of any up coming or on going sales. This may be a little difficult to get used to at first but once you have the info you can re-use it in the future.

Made to measure (4% commission) selling a made to measure is like selling 2-3 ready to wear’s in trade and 4 ready to wear sales in commission.

We all need to work together to succeed

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins

U.S.A. – Notes from Andy Schofield

A tougher week last week guys, AAFES big reductions and the (from out of nowhere!) warmer weather – Is it October or July?! – kept sales low in week 28. That said, some branches did manage to squeeze their customers into parting with some cash and beat their combined targets…. More of that later.

The week finished on 56% whilst it was a low percentage it was actually 104% of Last Year, so in that respect “Well Done” – If the minimum we can do is beat last years numbers then we can’t go far wrong!

Ready Made was low with only 65% of target and lower than last year with 69%. We know the reasons why – Let’s knock it out of the ball park this week Ladies & Gentlemen!

Made to Measure faired well against last year with 412% but we didn’t have the 50% off last year. Against target it fell short with only 47%. Now that was surprising and a big disappointment as we have the biggest sale of the year on right now. If we don’t do it now….. well, we won’t get it done at all.

Remember that we are all being watched closely at the moment. AAFES, Peter Lucas….. me! So do all that you can to get those extra sales into the cash register. Top coats are touching down as are the new Sports Jackets and Slacks so you will all have plenty of stock on hand to offer your customer.

Change the displays, get the rolling racks out and make some commission (In time for Xmas!)

Week 28 Star Performers

FORT DIXNicky Swinney is back on top! Coming in this week with an excellent finish to the week… Over $4000 on Measures and nearly $2000 on RM’s, Nicky sprinted to the finish line with 129% (207% Of Last Year too!) - Well done Nicky! Great result.

FORT BRAGG – Just shy of first place this week, Adelle Miller also had a super week with over $5000 in sales. This amount gave Adelle 125% against target and was the only other branch in week 28 to beat target! This was a whopping 300% over last year’s numbers!!

Well done ladies…… show us all what you can do again, in week 29!

An honorable mention goes out to Steve Hill, Nathan Stephsn & Amanda Higgins for their efforts in Fort Belvoir last week. They managed to sell over $11,000 cumulatively for the week! Whilst this didn’t hit target it was 162% of Last Years number and almost $5K on Measures!



QuanticoThe long awaited branch refit of Quantico took place this week and was completed on time (As always!) by the shop fitters from MNA – Mick & Gary. The two guys did an excellent job and the new store looks fantastic! All MCX Management and staff love the new look and think it looks like a “Shiny Diamond!”

Good luck to Mark Fletcher and Amanda Higgins with the new store. I know you Guys are going to do “Great Guns” over the next few months. Whilst writing this, only two days into the week, the branch has over $4,000 in sales – I can’t wait to see the end result on Sunday guys!

Mark & Amanda still have a few touches to do to the store with merchandising but I am sure you will all agree – it looks astounding!

Mark’s comment when asked what he thinks to his new shop – “Phew! It’s good to be able to breathe again!” (The temporary location over the last 8 months was only 180 Sq. Ft!)



Due to holidays, stocktake and lower staffing levels, your weekly Team Talk’s have been rather sporadic during the last few weeks. My apologies for this go out to everyone who has either had a birthday or a top sales week during this time which has not been mentioned.

Now that holidays and the stocktake are over, I hope to get back to normal with weekly issues being emailed to you on either Monday or Tuesday of each week. Thank you for your patience. Tracey Roberts


We currently have an issue with DHL and customs regarding the clearance of the shipment containing the 50% off postcards which we hope to resolve fairly soon. The postcards will be turned around and sent to you as soon as they touch down into the warehouse.


All factory holidays are now complete and therefore made to measure production should resume back to a 4 week delivery (customs permitting) in both USA and UK. The last week for ordering our own fabrics for Christmas Delivery will be Week 33 Week Ending 18th November 2007 and for Merchant Fabrics Week 32 Week Ending 11th November 2007.

If you have an order which is required for a function please do not put the comments on the order please email Alexandre Support.


The final container arrived into UTI yesterday and is currently being putaway, this consists of the Plain Navy SB2 core line (MJ297 / MJ424) so you will receive replenishments on this during next week and the 3 Sports Coats which are the Camel Cashmere, Navy Check and Black Herringbone Harris Tweed which will be allocated during the course of this week and next.

All Autumn stock is in the warehouse in Goole and is being distributed.

Drop 1 of the tie delivery is in store and the shirts are slowly being allocated to you to co-ordinate with them. Drop 2 of ties are due into Goole next week alongwith a new range of plain black ties which have a product code of their own for replenishment.

Topcoats – see the email from last week re the steaming required before the garments are placed onto the sales floor. Once again please accept our apologies for this.

Dress shirts for Europe are due to arrive into the warehouse at the end of November.


The postcards advertising this offer and the made to measure offer during the same time are in Goole and will be distributed to all stores during the next week to give you plenty of time to send them out to your customers.


We have been experiencing a number of requests recently asking the factory to deviate away from Icon styles by changing vents, pockets, button positions etc. Please be aware that the factory are unable to do this literally because we do not have the patterns available to allow them to make style changes. The options available on all styles can be seen in the drop down boxes on your made to measure order form. The simple rule is “If it is not showing as available on Oasys, the factory cannot make it”. All options available are there for you to select.


Reminder – we are unable to manufacture Made to Measure overcoats in either of our factories.


On behalf of all of the Alexandre London Team we would like to congratulate Jamie and Claire Turner on their venture into the world of parenthood. Congratulations to both of you and we all hope that Claire has a happy and healthy pregnancy.


happy birthday
  • Keith Ashby - 18th October
  • Mike Coates - 21st October