Issue 29/08

Monday, 22nd October 2007

As the country still sits under the heat – California went under a “State Of Emergency” today due to the forest fires that are out of control in the state. To put it into perspective, the fires which are a yearly occurrence in California have normally finished by September!

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

So how did we do this week?


The area came in this week on combined figures with a healthy figure against target of 97% and last year 137% so a great effort from all of you this week.

The top branches this week on combined targets are:

  • Aviano Vince Blackett (part time branch) 138% of target
  • Lakenheath and Heidelberg 130% of target, great going Alan and Gary
  • Mannheim 123% of target, keep this up Melvyn
  • Chievres 105% of target, well done Dave.
  • Ramstein 101% of target, well done Trevor and Robbie.
  • Stuttgart 98% of target, Hard luck Vince nearly there

This is the big sale we have the chance to pull our deficit back.

The Business Week

Made to Measure:

We were only 69% of the made to measure target but a whopping 425% of last year. Even though we did not beat the made to measure target, on the area only two branches came in with no measure trade. This was a good team effort to get the word out to the customers that the 50% sale is on now. Yet again, we have high made to measure targets due to the 50% OFF sale, we did not have the 50% sale this time last year and that is why we continue to do so well against last year figures.

Do not feel that we put the targets up due to the 50% sale, we actually move the targets to match the promotion. For example, this year we dropped the targets for the period of last year’s 50% sale to match the promotion of the period this year, therefore by the end of the year they will match up to last years numbers with a slight percentage increase.

Ready to wear

We achieved 107% of target and 117% of last year. The new lines are now in store and according to your comments seem to be selling well. The two new sport coats do look attractive and are what we asked for as they are of a medium weight. If you have not already done so, please change your displays using the new ranges and keep the displays crisp and clean.


Ask your Aafes Store Manager if they are producing a November and December Sale Flyer / Newsletter and if they could put our promotions for that period in it. You can see the promotions by looking at the Marketing Calendar on Team Talk.

Made to measure (4% commission) selling a made to measure is like selling 2-3 ready to wear’s in trade and 4 ready to wear sales in commission.

We all need to work together to succeed

Thank you, good luck and good trading.

John Colins


USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

A similar week last week to the previous, but the good news is still that we continue to beat Last Years numbers! Made to Measure is a little slow getting going but that is probably due to the Summer like temps we have been seeing over the last three weeks – all over the country. The good news here is that Autumn will be in with a vengeance by the weekend as it cools down to “Top Coat Type Weather!”

Measures closed the week out with 57% against target and 279% against last year. That said, it was still only $23,000 in total sales last week. Divided by the number of full time stores we have that’s only $1,500 each – Ouch!

Ready Made finished with 75% of target and 83% of last year. A struggle as I have mentioned as the country still sits under the heat – California went under a “State Of Emergency” today due to the forest fires that are out of control in the state. To put it into perspective, the fires which are a yearly occurrence in California have normally finished by September!

We should see some better numbers over the weekend Guys, so let’s be ready and make every sale count….. Remember your “Add on sales” to include shirts, ties and cufflinks to every customer that buys something! – Good luck.

Week 29 Stars

Some names we don’t normally see up here this week – Well done guys!

  • LANGLEY AFBDave pulled out all the stops before he runs off on vacation this week and managed to be “Top Dog” with 126% Combined Target Achieved. Dave always send out sales information to his ex Norfolk customers and this week it paid off with over $3,000 in MtM sales for a total of over $5,100 this week. Great result Dave, well done.
  • NELLIS AFBAllan also charged out of the gate this week, and by the mid week mark had already done target! With 118% Combined Target achieved and almost $4,000 in sales Allan thinks he will be on track to do target by year end – Go for it Allan!
  • FORT BRAGG – Not wanting to be left off the list Adelle comes in with 109% Combined Target and over $4,000 in total sales. Better yet she managed to beat last years numbers by 232% - Excellent result Adelle.
  • Holding onto a “Top Spot” – just, this week was Nicky from FORT DIX with 104% and over $4,000 in sales also, to give her the fourth spot. Well done as the store is down 2% and menswear is down 12% this year so far.

An honorable mention goes out to Steve, Rahim, Mark & Amanda for their efforts last week. They didn’t manage to hit targets but the three stores all did over $7,000 each for a combined effort of $25,000… Excellent!


As some of you have already found out, our account number for getting DO numbers with Made to Measure (031-70) is having “Technical Issues” within AAFES headquarters at Dallas. They are working to sort this issue out and have informed me this morning that it should be rectified by the time most of you are reading this…..

Please go to your accounting office and try to close out ALL outstanding DO’s this week, and let me know if your branch is still having issues.

Good Luck Everyone & Thanks…… Andy.


Any commission queries should be directed to Alexandre Support please and not to Carole Bryant or our Wages Department going forward.


As promised by Kevin at the May conference, during the course of this week we will be adding to your existing portfolio of style options a new lapel option on each style of vest. More details will follow including style numbers and line drawings.


A delivery of 2000 suit bags is due into Goole warehouse on Thursday of this week packed in boxes of 100. As soon as they arrive we will allocate them to the stores who have made requests in the last week which will bring us back on track.


Your CDM’s are currently pulling together the next edition of Back Chat for October and any information you could give them would be appreciated.


Below is a little sales trivia for you based on the first 26 weeks of this year highlighting the volume of sales made by our division (AAFES, MCX, Bermuda, GB Inno) by product category. This information is supplied to AAFES Dallas on a monthly basis by store and I thought that you would be interested to see the volumes involved.

Sales Wk 1 - 26 2007
Garment Sales Units Nett $ Sales
2 Pce Suit 4148 1,015,939
Mixer Jacket 1521 318,337
Mixer Trouser 1775 180,741
Mixer Vest 22 1,210
Sports Jacket 421 77,832
Blazer 347 89,582
Formal Trouser 531 39,525
Overcoat 36 5,766
Formal Shirt 3955 161,441
Tie 8485 239,208
Cufflinks 1146 38,550
Grand Totals 22387 2,168,131

Added to this is an additional 1466 made to measure orders entered onto OASys in the same period.

If you have any queries regarding the above information please do not hesitate to contact me directly.