Issue 31/08

Tuesday, 6th November 2007

On my travels around the different branches last week, it was nice to see the new garments being displayed well and the complimentary accessories on hand. Ready to wear is where we need to concentrate a little harder at this time of the year, to make the customer’s choice a little easier for that “present / gift” that they are looking for. If you have not already done so, please change your displays using the new ranges and ensure that the matching shirt, tie and cuff links are near to hand [John Collins, Europe].

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

Week 31

The area came in a little disappointing on combined figures this week at 95% of target yet 104% against last year. Despite missing target though it was a very good effort from most branches this week.

The top branches this week on combined targets were:

  • Stuttgart 137% of combined targets. Once again a good job Vince.
  • Mannheim 113% of target, another good week by Melvyn.
  • Lakenheath 103% of target, well done Gary.
  • GB Shape 102% of target (part time branch) keep up the good work Dave.

Worthy of a mention is Kaiserslautern with Paul, Leigh and Rob working in the store they turned in $8386 of trade which was 88% of target but 125% of last year well done to you all.

The business week

Made to Measure

We achieved 60% of target but more disappointingly only 78% of last year, however every branch with the exception of one, had a made to measure sale. We have one more week to push the 50% off on made to measure so lets make this week count.

The next made to measure sale with the FREE VEST AND TROUSER or TWO PAIRS OF FREE TROUSERS will be very attractive to our customers. Think in terms of sport coat, blazer combo’s with two pairs of pants or a three piece suit for the price of a jacket.

Ready to Wear

We achieved 112% of target and 113% of last year. A good week from all branches this week with the new ranges attracting more attention to our area.

On my travels around the different branches last week, it was nice to see the new garments being displayed well and the complimentary accessories on hand. Ready to wear is where we need to concentrate a little harder at this time of the year, to make the customer’s choice a little easier for that “present / gift” that they are looking for. If you have not already done so, please change your displays using the new ranges and ensure that the matching shirt, tie and cuff links are near to hand.

I cannot say enough about keeping on top of your displays, they must look their best at all times, to attract attention to our department. As we all know they are our best sales helper and our “window” display.

So who will be on top of the table week 32 ??? Watch this space…………….



Anybody can win this competition as it is based on percentage increase not on $$ dollar sales in full time branches.

Good luck to all and may the best man / woman win.


Do you have enough RED SALE SWINGER TICKETS for the up and coming sale Thanksgiving Sale bonanza. If you need supplies, contact Alexandre Support now so they can despatch them in time.

We all need to work together to succeed

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

It looks like the business dropped a few points last week Guys and no one seems to know why! All of our ducks are in a row (So to speak)…

  • The RM Veterans Sale is on
  • The 50% off made to measure sale has been extended
  • Tracey has even given you extra branch specific reductions.

Hopefully this week (32) will prove to be a more fruitful one for us.

Remember that the top branch in the USA this month WINS THE PRIZE!! (As well as your regular commission payments!).

Week 30 saw us drop to only 42% of target on Measures, which was surprising in light of the current promotion. This was however 80% against last year, so let’s make sure that all of our customers (New and Old) are aware of what we have going on. You’ll be surprised at the amount of customers that come into the store that don’t know we offer Made to Measure let alone the prices of these fantastic suits!

Ready’s did better this week and managed 94% of target and 102% against last years numbers. These are much better numbers guys and are great to see! We are headed in the right direction with Ready to Wear – Let’s show AAFES and MCX what we can do!!

Keep it going guys – I know you can do it!


Some excellent results this week from your team mates, and it was a close race right up to the last minute – Remember…. “It ‘aint over till it’s over!”

  • FORT BRAGG – Even though Adelle said it was a very slow, tough week in Bragg this week she still managed to pull out 112% cumulatively with over $4000 in sales. All of that “Seed Sowing” Adelle has been doing, is paying off guys – it proves it works… that’s why Bragg is number one AGAIN!
  • FORT SAM HOUSTONJeff, fresh off his “European vacation!” hits a home run straight into second place. With over $7000 cumulatively and $4000 of that on measures, Fort Sam closed the week with 108% against target and 140% of last year! Excellent result Jeff, Good to have you back.
  • FORT CARSONPaul did it again this week and made sure he stays in the running for the top branch in November. With over $2500 in Measure sales and over $3500 cumulatively, Fort Carson closed with 103% against target and 155% of last year. Another excellent result this week Paul – Keep it up!

Honorable mentions this week for Fort Dix who also made 100% of target, closely followed with Travis and Fort Lewis who made 96% & 97% respectively. Fort Belvoir whilst not hitting target this week did manage over $10,000 in sales.

As this is the first week of the US competition, these are also the current standings. I’ll update them as each week progresses.

You can see which branches are doing it guys – Where’s your branch???

Come on guys, let’s pull out all the stops – “Every Sale Counts”

BRAIN TEASER - With A Meaning!

If a = 1%, b = 2%, c = 3%, etc...

What does a t t i t u d e add up to? ... (you'll be surprised!)


“You can buy a person's hands but you can't buy his heart. His heart is where his enthusiasm, his loyalty is.”
Stephen Covey

Good Luck Everyone, Andy.


Following numerous customer requests we have made certain amendments to the current Icon styles in relation to the out ticket pocket and the skirt pocket options.

  • All Icon styles now carry an option to select NONE in the out ticket pocket on the style. You no longer have to have an out ticket pocket if the style carries it in the brochure as the standard option.
  • All Icon styles now carry an option to amend the skirt pockets to either a slanting pocket with flaps or a straight pocket with flaps with the exception of style 963 which is a jetted pocket.


Please ensure that if you change the skirt pocket and request an out ticket pocket that the direction is the same ie straight skirt pocket and straight out ticket pocket.


The plain black ties are being delivered into the European stores this week under product code 95096. It is our intention to keep on top of replenishments for this line so that all stores have a selection of black ties at all times and the only way that we can do this is if you sell them under the correct code so that we can monitor stock levels. I appreciate your help with this.

If you have any queries regarding any of the above information please contact either Tracey Roberts or Alexandre Support.