Issue 33/08

Tuesday, 20th November 2007


California Fires

Europe - Notes from Tracey Roberts (as John is in Italy...

So how did we do this week?


We were almost there but not quite with 96% against target overall and 87% against last year. We missed target by $2209 which was a shame, when one additional tie in each store would have done it. Despite that, well done to each of you it was a very respectable figure in the run up the Thanksgiving promo starting.

The top branches this week on combined targets are:

  • Lakenheath 162% of combined targets and $9,966 in combined trade. Well Done Gary that was a very good week keep up the good work.
  • Heidelberg 155% of combined targets and $7,689 in combined trade of which $2400 were made to measure. Excellent week Alan, this just might be the week where you knock Vince off the top spot in the competition.
  • Chievres 121% of combined targets. Dave’s last week before he went on holiday turned out to be a good one. Let’s hope that John Knight can keep the performance going this week.
  • Kaiserslautern 111% of combined targets and $9,214 in combined sales. John and Leigh had a good week with 7 overcoat sales helping to increase the business.
  • Ramstein 109% of combined targets. Well done to both Trevor and Leigh. 43 tie sales and 10 shirt sales really helped to pick up the week

The Business Week

Made to Measure

The FREE promotion seems to be enticing our customers as we had sales of $10k last week on made to measure which is a good follow up to the 50% off promotion. Remember that all bunches are included in this offer even merchant cloths. Use the flyers emailed to you last week advertising the offer to your advantage by distributing them at the front of the store or in the coffee shop. Ask the cashiers to place them in AAFES bags for you at the registers, or put them in the bags yourselves so that when the customers get home they see them.

Do you have a made to measure advertising that may help one of your colleagues ??? if so please let John know so that we can include it in next week’s Team Talk.

Ready to Wear

We were 96% of target but disappointingly only 83% of last year. Even so some very good figures this week with three branches going over the $7,000 mark.

The Black Venetian MJ303 which is the new Techno suit is currently helping us keep on top of our targets in Europe, with sales over the last four weeks on this suit alone amounting to $16k and 54 jackets and 61 trousers sold.

Also our tie sales are on the increase and in the 10 stores which are in Europe, in the last four weeks we have sold 743 ties totalling $15,675 – keep up the good work guys!!!!

All stock has been allocated from the warehouse now so there are no more new lines to send out, there is however replenishment stock available and we will be replenishing every 30 minutes or so between now and Christmas. Remember to check your store stock enquiry so that you can see which sizes have been replenished for you during this busy time.

Here is the leader board for Europe for week’s 31 to 33. Vince is still at the top, who will be the first one to knock him off ………………. ???

Store Description Actual Target Variance % of Target
Aafes - Europe
3230 Stuttgart 15,814 12,851 2,963 123.10
3192 Heidelberg 18,405 15,323 3,082 120.10
3162 Lakenheath 22,489 19,151 3,338 117.40
3197 Kaiserslautern 28,490 25,600 2,890 111.30
3259 Ramstein 21,877 21,177 700 103.30
3282 Mannheim 9,708 9,912 -204 97.90
3268 Wiesbaden 15,493 15,983 -490 96.90
3281 Chievres 9,382 10,632 -1,250 88.20
3256 Grafenwhor 8,043 10,929 -2,886 73.59
3362 Aviano 1,340 2,393 -1,053 56.00
3156 Schweinfurt 7,593 13,700 -6,107 55.42
3216 Brussels Embassy 1,505 1,000 505 150.50
3223 Bamberg 1,940 1,940
Aafes - Europe Totals 162,079 158,651 3,428 102.00

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

Tracey Roberts on behalf of John Collins.

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Let's "Talk Turkey!"

Another excellent week Ladies and Gents, we hit 96% of target – thanks to some fantastic numbers from some of you. It really was a nail biter right down to the last minute there!

Ready made finished the week with 96% of target and 100% against last year. For a Pre-Thanksgiving week this was a great result.

Measures also closed strong with 95% of target and 91% of Last Year. Remember everyone that Merchant books are included in this current promotion and with it working out at 48% off, it’s better than the sale in December – Let your customers know!!

Overall the week slowed down at the weekend but that didn’t stop us from hitting 96% Cumulative of target.


The Marine Corps had two huge events this week and thankfully we were included in both of them. Quantico had their grand re-opening this week (See pics below!) and Henderson Hall held their famous annual “Family Day” event. We rode the coat tails on both of these sales and the results were amazing:

  • QUANTICO – The stars this week are Mark & Amanda who’s hard work (and hassle!) throughout the renovations that took more than 8 months to complete, paid off. With a huge result of over $17,000 and 187% of target - Fantastic result guys… I know you are both very pleased with the week and we look forward to seeing the stores success continue. I know we are all grateful for the “Boost” in sales towards the area this week too!
  • FORT SAM HOUSTONJeff didn’t have any special events on in the store this week but did manage to round up his customers and come in with great numbers. With $7,000 on MM and over $3,000 on RM’s Jeff had a Fantastic result with 169% Cumulative target achieved. Excellent result Jeff.
  • HENDERSON HALLRahim worked hard this weekend to get the results he got. Having done a few “Family Days” myself I don’t envy him! The 14 hour day on Saturday paid off however and saw the branch reach almost $12,000 in total sales and a cumulative 142% of target – Well done Rahim.
  • FORT BRAGG – She’s here again everyone! Adelle is making sure she gets the word out about our promotions and is roaming the store looking for victims errr customers! With 132% of target and $5,000 in total sales she has made her mark again on the leader board.

Only three other branches managed to hit target last week and they deserve a mention here. Trevor at Fort Meade (109%), Richard at Fort Myer (104%) and Nicky at Fort Dix (100%) all beat their targets last week.

Without the efforts of these 7 branches we wouldn’t have made 96% of target.

Where was your branch??


As I mentioned earlier, Quantico had its Grand Re-Opening event on Thursday 15th and saw a huge turn out for the day. Along with the hoards of customers that braved the rain and cold to see this fantastic looking store, were the Red Skins’ cheer leaders! - No wonder Mark was at work so early!

Below are a few pictures of the opening ceremony:

Good luck everyone, Andy.

Here is the leader board for USA for week’s 31 - 33. What a difference a week makes – Jeff has managed to knock Dominic off the top spot and if he keeps the figures up could be the winner ………. Or it could be you …………..

Store Description Actual Target Variance % of Target
Aafes - USA
3504 Fort Sam Houston 22,639 17,501 5,138 129.4
3507 Fort Bragg 13,517 10,587 2,930 127.7
3519 Fort Dix 13,074 11,225 1,849 116.5
3503 Travis 19,751 17,657 2,094 111.9
3509 Fort Meade 16,247 16,754 -507 97
3600 Quantico - 02100 25,382 27,462 -2,080 92.4
3505 Fort Myer 12,623 13,827 -1,204 91.3
3501 Andrews AFB 22,271 26,205 -3,934 85
3502 Fort Belvoir 31,187 37,052 -5,865 84.2
3506 MacDill AFB 6,901 8,570 -1,669 80.5
3508 Fort Lewis 8,380 10,599 -2,219 79.1
3602 Henderson Hall - 01100 21,143 27,348 -6,206 77.3
3514 Colorado Springs 5,781 9,163 -3,382 63.1
3520 Nellis 5,030 8,887 -3,857 56.6
3510 McChord AFB 3,785 7,806 -4,021 48.5
3518 Langley AFB 4,748 11,120 -6,372 42.7
3541 Buckley AFB 2,175 6,600 -4,425 33
3527 Fort Hood 1,390 1,863 -473 74.6
3511 Bolling AFB 560 2,103 -1,543 26.6
3546 Stewart AFB 6,590 6,590
Aafes - USA Totals 243,189 272,329 -29,141 89.00


Following a very hard few weeks for us with the special order system changing within AAFES, it now seems that their accounting team have finally resolved the issue of allocating DO numbers to our made to measure invoices.

The new system is such that they will issue us with DOR DO numbers, which is exactly the same way that they issue DO’s for our Ready to Wear sales. So going forward all of your DO numbers will have an F rather than an X for made to measure.

Since Friday we have been receiving DO numbers from certain stores for made to measure invoices but we still have quite a lot outstanding which up to last week were totalling $90,000. We understand that this is a very busy week for you and you could do without having to chase DO’s but we cannot allow this debt to continue otherwise we will have a cash flow issue on our division. If you haven’t managed to resolve this issue in your store would you please do so prior to Thursday to allow us to input all of the DO’s into OASys for faxing to Dallas on Friday.

If you need any help please contact either Andy or John or for help for your accounting office contact details are below or you can print off the link from sdhelp at AAFES:-

From: Cosby, Julie E.
Sent: Wednesday, November 14, 2007 1:13 PM
Cc: zzHQ SD S3; zzHQ SD S; zzHQ SDO All





With the advent of RETEK, we have made changes to the payment processing procedures for Alexandre Cut-to- Order men’s suits. Our future strategy is to treat this as a DOR contract.

  • Click here to view Alexandre Suit processing procedures.
  • Important items the store should note are highlighted in RED.

JULIE E. COSBY, Director
Store Communication, Execution, Programs, Policy
Store Operations Division, Sales Directorate

Below are details from the link

Alexander Suits - Made to Measure Procedure

  • Customer picks out cloth and style this determines the price charged
  • Measure are made to insure the correct fit for the customer
  • Price agreed with customer for the garment
  • To obtain the price follow the below instructions:
    • The Alexander Representatives have the price list which shows the full prices for the garment the customer is choosing (jacket, trouser, waistcoat, 2pce / 3pce suit, tuxedo, overcoat, frock coat and any extra’s that the chosen style incurs).
    • This is shown on the Alexander network PC system once the cloth and quality is entered onto the screen. A deposit is then requested which can not be less than 30%. (The system won’t proceed otherwise).
  • The manual receipt is written on the AAFES Control Card Form # 7200-711, Rev. Apr 78 with the details of the sale. Garment price deposit paid and the remaining balance on AAFES control card.
  • The deposit is rung in the register under dept 470 and the receipt copies are given to the customer, AAFES and the Alexander Representative. A copy of the receipt is stapled to the AAFES Control Card
  • Weekly sales information given to AAFES contact person who enters price of the garment, the deposit and balance on control cards from the receipt provided. In some cases, the Alexander Representative completes card and AAFES management checks periodically.
  • The AAFES contact person is normally the Stockroom Manager or Operations Manager. In most cases the control cards are completed by the Alexander Representative and once rung, the receipt is stapled to the control card. At invoice, cards and receipts are checked for correct payments before the DO is raised.
    • Any further deposits also noted on control cards.
    • Invoices sent from BMB (Alexander HQ) when garment is ready to be shipped D/O requested for the amount on the invoice from AAFES.
    AAFES procedures for this are as follows. Made to measure suits are invoiced at the time of shipping from factory. The Alexander London Rep pulls the invoice off the Alexander PC system at the time of store delivery, prints, checks amounts and signs. They turn into store accounts, in which afterwards a delivery order is raised.
    • D/O made out for the amount on the invoices by authorized person AAFES manager, receiving department order associates and given to Alexander Representative
    • Garment arrives with invoice.
    • Invoice received in by receiving associates for the amount requested.
    • AAFES contact person given a copy of the invoice and adds date info to the control cards.
    • When collected sales slips / receipts go to AAFES contact person who checks that all has been paid if any discrepancies customer is notified.
    • All AAFES control cards are checked by AAFES at inventory and orders, hanging balances and markdowns are added to the stores count.

Non Collected Garments

  • If the garment does not get collected after an allotted time (Normally 120 days) it is marked down 33%.
  • A charge voucher is made out for the difference of the balance between original price and the markdown price; this is sent to Alexander HQ where the difference is paid back to AAFES minus the concession fee.

The store creates the Credit Voucher (RAIC- CCV) against Alexander London using the Alexander London markdown sheet. The representative checks the amounts against our markdown sheets for accuracy and then submits our copies to Alexander London head office.

The suit is then sold off at the remaining balance (after markdown procedure above is implemented). AAFES receives concession amount from the final sale as normal. If the item remains on open sale for a period of thirty days then it is marked down further (SEE BELOW).

This is repeated another two times until the garment is sold or written off.

Second markdown is another 33%. Third markdown is decided on the orders merits and is normally sold at $100 - $199 (2pce suit) etc. AAFES receives concession fee after sale as normal… as all sales do that go through the register and are invoiced. Charge back is completed as above procedure.

  • AAFES will have then any money still owed on the garment charged back to them so no loss is accounted to AAFES.


happy birthday
  • Trevor Scarratt (3259 Ramstein) - 23rd November