Issue 40/08

Thursday, 10th January 2008

We had a very good start to the year and another good week as you can see with 109% against target and what was especially good to see was the 132% against last year. Well done Guys and Gal. [John Collins, Europe]

California Fires

Europe Notes from John Collins

As I was on holiday last week I would like to begin by wishing you all a Happy and prosperous New Year.


Against target we achieved 109% and against last year 132%.

We had a very good start to the year and another good week as you can see with 109% against target and what was especially good to see was the 132% against last year. Well done Guys and Gal.

How did the individual branches do? You can see the percentage numbers against target on OASys as most if not all of you do to keep up with the league table. You can also view who is the highest % against target every day by looking at the front page of Team Talk on OASys.

  • Lakenheath - 178% of combined targets and an amazing 237% on last year. A very good week and also a prosperous start to the New Year for Gary Bloom. After being knocked out with the infamous tummy bug virus the previous week that kept him in bed for a few days and losing a few pounds in the process, he made up the pounds (not sorry for the pun) with the help of the 4% MM commission on trade of $2,550 and 1% of $8,205 on RM. Not a bad start to the New Year. Well done Gary.
  • Stuttgart - 138% of combined targets and 177% of last year. Vince Blackett turned in another good week.
  • Chievres 133% of combined targets and 195% of last year well done Dave.
  • Wiesbaden 123% of combined targets and 112% of last year, well done Geoff and Rob.
  • Kaiserslautern 120% of combined targets and 127% of last year, another good week from Leigh and covering for me Geoffrey Heath.
  • Grafenwoehr 112% of combined targets and 237% of last year which was when Paul was still in Vilseck nice to see Paul coming back after a disappointing week 38 well done Paul keep it going.
  • Mannheim 104% of combined targets and 137% of last year nice to see Melvyn also coming back after a disappointing week 38 that’s the way Melvyn.

I would also like to mention Dave Tindell in Schweinfurt who turned in the second highest MM trade this week with $1,820 and $2,769 on RM giving him a total of $4,589 which was not bad at all bearing in mind that most of Dave’s customers are now on 30 day block leave after returning from Iraq. Well done Dave.

All branches had a made to measure figure this week with the exception of one. Who will be a little disappointed after having such a good run up to Christmas - no names right Alan and Rob.

Only two branches had over $1,000 in new trade with the rest coming in with one or two sales, which is not at all bad for the first week of the new sale. With the sale that we have on now we should be pushing for all branches to be over the $1,000 mark. I know it sounds easy, but all it takes is two customers ordering President quality suits to put you over the $1,000 mark and that 4% commission.

Once again well done to you all.

We all need to work together to succeed

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins

U.S.A. – Notes from Andy Schofield

Firstly, Happy New Year everyone!

We didn’t make target last week but we did come close to doing last years numbers as you will see below. There were some very good results from some of your fellow managers which helped the cause.

I know footfall is unusually light in the stores at the moment and we are not the only ones that are suffering. That said, we need to make sure that we are selling “The Entire Package” to the customer when they are in our section. The more we can sell to the customer we have, the less “Bodies” we need!

Last week Made to Measure struggled as it sometimes does in the first week of a new promotion. We managed to hit 60% of target which is pretty low considering the season, but that was a respectable 84% of last years numbers – let’s hope these continue to grow with the BOGOF sale!

Ready Mades did a little better and finished the week with 88% of target and 98% of last year.

The RM reductions were emailed to you early this year instead of the planned start date of mid January, so you can get a head start on the main store! Some excellent reductions in there guys with the Topcoats at half price – if that doesn’t help boost your sales… what will??


  • FORT CARSON – At the top again this week continuing his rein! Paul took some of his Tips to a new level and managed to hit 177% Cumulative Target. With over $4000 in total sales split 50/50 between RM’s and MM Paul did as much as some of his “Larger Branched” peers! Excellent result Paul – A BIG Well done.
  • QUANTICO – The second best total figure this week and second place for the top shop is Quantico. Mark & Amanda did almost $9000 in total sales this week with over $7000 on RM’s alone! The new shop is going great guns and this 121% figure will certainly help put the branch on target to hit the number one spot – Well done guys…. Great result.
  • FORT DIX – No, she hasn’t gone away! In fact Nicky has been hitting 100% of her targets for the last few months (there really is no stopping this one guys!). Securing her place in the top three this week with 111% Nicky is well on the way to making her branch a “B” grade – Keep it up Nicky!
  • FORT BRAGG – My other “Star Player” this last week is Adelle who managed to reap the benefits of yet another fashion show and closed out the week with 106% Cumulative and over $3000 in sales. Good job Adelle – keep it up! (Watch for pictures of Adelle’s latest show in the next issue).
  • FORT BELVOIR - Also made target last week with 101% and the highest sales for the week of over $10,000. This from a shop that lost two days last week too! Well done Steve, with a total US ready made figure of only $40,000 your contribution was a valuable one – as always.


Just a reminder about keeping your PC and cupboard clean. I’ve been inspecting the PC cupboards on my visits lately and I can safely say that “Out of sight, out of mind” is at play here! Let’s get the duster out guys please – it’ll run cooler, faster and easier if you keep the cupboard clean and free from clutter.


Remember that your additions to “Back Chat” are required and should be sent to your CDM – Everyone needs to contribute something please


“Once they’re gone, they’re gone, so how many would you like today?”

If not already done, why not try the BOGOF approach to RTW as well. Depending on your individual 50% off garment quantities, you could try merging the ranges into size blocks. Jos A. Banks does it and it’s a good plug for the MTM!

Good luck this week everyone - Andy


It is our Annual Review meeting and Budget 08 / 09 presentation in Goole next week so both John and Andy will be in the UK all week. Due to this there will be no Team Talk for week 41 so please look at the sales figures on OASys to see how we performed.


As part of the review meeting we will be setting down our Marketing Calendar for made to measure for the new financial year 2008 / 9. If you have any ideas for new promotions or any suggestions regarding the existing calendar please forward your suggestions to Tracey Roberts.


We have new made to measure cloths which will be leaving for all stores during this week and next. These include 11 new L & S patterns, 18 Panama and 12 White Sands.


The first container has already left our ready to wear factory bound for the USA and should arrive Customs Officers permitting the third week in January. Europe stock is also on it’s way and should start arriving during the course of next week.