Issue 41/08

Wednesday, 16th January 2008

We didn't intend sending one out this week due to the UK conference but as you all had such a good week we thought that the top Managers names deserved to be "in lights".

California Fires

Europe Notes from John Collins

So how did we do for week 41??

Wow what a week, overall we achieved 138% of target and 146% of last year. Well done Guys that was a fantastic result.

Made to measure faired very well, the BOGOF sale certainly attracted our customers in what is generally a low trade period for mtm. Total trade of $12,766 reaped in 163% of target and a massive 204% of last year and it was very good to see that every store with the exception of one had made to measure trade on the books. Three branches in fact topped $2k on measures for the week. Keep up the good work guys.

Ready to wear came in with 132% of target and 135% of last year with total sales of $43k which again was a very good effort. 73 overcoats sold on our area last week which certainly helped towards the final sales total, they are nearly sold out now and if the sales this week continue the same as last we should be sold out by the weekend.

Congratulations this week go to:-

  • CHIEVRES – 329% of target for Dave Cox last week with top dollar sales of $8k from his main branch and $1185 from GB Shape. That was very good going for our Belgium branch and Dave currently has almost $4.5k on the books for this week so it looks like he may be top of the leader board again next week. Well done Dave keep up the good work.
  • MANNHEIM – 197% of target. Melvyn achieved sales of $4583 and came second on the leader board. Nice to see you up there Melvyn.
  • STUTTGART – 167% of target and sales of $4855. Well done Vince.
  • LAKENHEATH – 143% of target and sales of $6315. Good work Gary.
  • RAMSTEIN – 134% of target and the second highest money taker with total sales of $6790 well done to Trevor and Leigh.

Other branches which didn’t make the top 5 but did exceed target are:-

Aviano 131% (Vince), Grafenwoehr 121% (Paul). Wiesbaden 110% (Geoff), Kaiserslautern 110% (Leigh and Geoff Heath), Schweinfurt 106% (Dave). Well done to you all.

Well done to you all, that was a great team effort and we wish you good trading this week.

We all need to work together to succeed

John Collins

USA Notes from Andy Schofield

What a week!

Some great results from all of you last week guys. We managed to “sneak in” – (Quote from your CDM!) with 103% Cumulatively above target which was 119% of Last Year and again, a very good result.

Measures didn’t fair too well against target but was to be expected with such a good RM sale on (and an early RM sale too!). We finished the week with 79% against target and a better 106% of Last year.

Ready Made did great with the new reductions and closed the week with 109% and a whopping 129% of Last Year.

Now is the time to sell those top coats guys – there are 160 of them left in the USA and we need to make sure we clear them at the $180 sell price whilst it is still cold out there! Try one of “Paul’s Tip Corner” suggestions and have them on a rolling rack in the aisle with a BIG sign on them – It works!! (Ask Andrews AFB!).


  • FORT CARSON – Here he is again Ladies & Gents! – I’ll repeat what I said last week… “His tips must work!!” Coming in top position this week with a massive 203% Paul pulled out all the stops…. Not only did he make target at Fort Carson but he also hit target at BUCKLEY AFB for the number 3 spot with 144% - Well done Paul, a super result for you and the team this week.
  • FORT BELVOIR – The second place spot was taken by Steve & Nathan this week with 155% but they took the number one spot for total sales with over $12,300! Steve had a “Stonking” weekend… in fact the PC blew up and doesn’t work as of Monday (No, really!) This is a fantastic result guys, well done!
  • NELLIS – Great to see this branch up here again. Allan had a good week and also did $1000 on the new Measure sale this week. In third place with 126% and 103% of last year – let’s hope this trend continues out in Vegas Allan!
  • FORT BRAGG – Well on her way to making a Grade “B” store next year is Adelle. Still reaping the benefits of her latest fashion show, the branch finished the week with 121% against target and 138% of Last Year! – Great result Adelle, well done!

As mentioned several other shops also exceeded their targets last week – they were:

MCCHORD AFB (Drew), TRAVIS AFB (Dominic), ANDREWS AFB (Roger & Nathan), FORT MEADE (Trevor), and FORT DIX (Nicky).

Well done everyone. This was a great effort from everyone and we managed to beat target and smashed last years numbers.


“Experiment writing 50% or ½ price on the red RTW sale card tickets and break out your (A3) size 50% poster inserts.”

This is a good suggestion Paul – one that we are going to possibly try on some of next years POS. We also feel that the “Half Price” message is a strong message for our customers.

Thank you for your efforts in week 41 guys – I know we said we weren’t going to send out a “Team Talk” this week but I think your efforts and the result deserved taking a short time out from the budget to thank you all – Well done!

Good Luck this week everyone – Andy.