Issue 44/08

Tuesday, 29th January 2008

Well, we managed to get above the “80%” 3rd yard line (Super Bowl Reference!) last week and ended up with 81% combined target achieved. Whilst we didn’t hit target it was an improvement and in a Super Bowl week that was an achievement to be proud of (Andy Schofield, USA).

California Fires

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Well, we managed to get above the “80%” 3rd yard line (Super Bowl Reference!) last week and ended up with 81% combined target achieved. Whilst we didn’t hit target it was an improvement and in a Super Bowl week that was an achievement to be proud of.

Made to Measure did very well on the week and shows that you guys are out there pushing the sales. After all, measures don’t sell themselves! We finished the week and the end of another promotion with 107% against target and an even better 157% of Last Years numbers! Well done everyone, this was a superb result and does show all your hard work with mail outs, calls and emails – Well done!

Ready Made didn’t perform as well, but with measures beating target it’s obvious that the cash was flowing in that direction last week. Finishing the week with 74% and 80% of last year it wasn’t the strongest week, but “it ‘ain’t over till it’s over” – (No fat ladies singing here!)

Let’s take a step back and look at the departments guys…. Is all of your sale merchandise at the front of the walkway racks?? Can you get a rolling rack on the walkway or the store front for the weekend – Tell the AAFES manager you have some “Weekend Specials” – Just for your store!... they love that! Dust, clean and change out your displays – Spring is just around the corner and we should always be one step ahead of what the customer is looking for.

Some of next years ranges have started to touch down in the warehouse this week and I have to say that they look great! Lighter shades & lighter fabrics which I am sure you all can’t wait to get your hands on.

Week 44 - Star Players

  • FORT BRAGG – I think Adelle has planted her feet firmly in this position guys! (She’s moving in permanently next week). With a whopping 213% above target and 210% of last year this is a well deserved number 1 spot. Adelle did over $6000 last week with half and half on RM’s & MM’s – Well done Adelle…. That grade increase is getting closer and closer.
  • FORT LEWISDave is getting used to being up here guys. With an impressive 117% over target and 107% up on Last Year Fort Lewis gets into the number 2 spot comfortably. Excellent result Dave from a base that gets busier every week!
  • ANDREWS AFB – With the 3rd position this week and also the highest sales figure of the week, Roger & Nathan closed the week with 112% and over $7100 in sales. Whilst this didn’t beat Last Year it was an impressive result especially as the guys told me the base was empty for most of the weekend – Well done guys…
  • FORT SAM HOUSTONJeff made it again this week, but just missed the top 3 spots. Coming in with 109% of target and almost the exact same numbers as last year, Jeff is well on his way to meeting his goal this year.
  • FORT MYER & LANGLEY AFBRichard & Dave both take honors with 106% above target. It was a hard struggle last week but both of them pushed through their targets. Good job you two!

Other branches that made target last week were Fort Dix, Fort Meade and Travis AFB. Well done to all of you that made or beat your goals last week – You showed that you have what it takes…… “ TOUCH DOWN!”


No tips this week, but Paul was sent some “Inside Info” as to how the local military are preparing for the next Commander In Chief next February...


Good Luck this week everyone – Andy.


We are back on track now with made to measure deliveries and all garments with the exception of this week’s delivery which is in transit have been delivered into UTI and despatched next day delivery.


As per the front page of your RM OASys screen, the Company Stocktake will take place on Sunday 24th February and all stock will require counting in all warehouses and stores. Please ensure that you are able to complete the stocktake for your store and any satellite stores you are responsible for.

Europe - Notes from John Collins

So how did we do this week?

Europe Sales L/Y Target Actual % Target L/Y %
Made to Measure 11,818 6,294 17,254 274% 146%
Ready to Wear 32,655 35,411 34,540 98% 106%
Total Week 44,473 41,705 54,180 124% 116%

What a fantastic week. Made to measure certainly picked up momentum during the last week of the BOGOF sale and has proven that there are made to measure customers still out there and that we just need to let them know we are here. The new sale “A Suit For A Price“ should help us carry on this momentum especially for the customer who only wants one suit.

Ready to wear was not as strong, but this is only to be expected when we are concentrating so hard on catching the measure customer, also a few cancelled layaways due to AAFES inventory cut into the actual sales for the week. Maybe rotating the stock would entice the customers once more and make sure that each sale garment has a swinger ticket showing the sale price reduction.

We can all thank Gary in Lakenheath who once again showed the way with an amazing $7,055 in made to measure trade, which made us able to beat the target by 274%. However without it we would have come in around target so once again a very good team effort from you ALL.

How did the individual branches do?

Full time branches:

  • No 1 Lakenheath - Yet again. 288% of combined targets and 192% on last year. What a great week Gary. Once again, Gary’s hard work and good customer service has paid off, not only did he do $7,055 on made to measure but also $6,290 on ready to wear for a combined sales week of $13,345. Do they know it is no longer the Christmas rush at Lakenheath??
  • No 2 Stuttgart - Once again (this is not a copy of last weeks team talk). 165% of combined targets with $3,391 coming in the form of made to measure well done Vince keep up the good work.
  • No 3 Heidelberg - 124% of combined targets. Nice to see Alan and Rob back in the top three again.
  • No 4 Chievres - 122% of combined targets just pipped at the post by Alan for third place well done Dave.
  • No 5 Schweinfurt - 109% of combined targets $2,781 in made to measure. Great to see Dave in the top five, he faces a tough challenge each week with troop rotations and deployments etc and he keeps coming up trumps. Shows what you can do when you persevere and keep that customer banter going.

There was one more full time branch that came in above target which was Kaiserslautern with 106% of combined target - congratulations to Leigh, Rob and Geoff.

Ramstein came in with 93% of combined target which was a good try from Trevor, Rob and Geoff. Disappointing this week was Mannheim who came in at 80% of target although he was 96% of last year so not too bad and Grafenwoehr with 79% of target but below his figures last year. Paul down in Graf has a similar situation to Dave in Schweinfurt and is going through many deployments and troop rotations, when all this settles down I am sure things will pick up. Paul, keep that smile on your face.

Once again well done to you all

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins