Issue 45/08

Tuesday, 12th February 2008

A love seat is a wide chair. It was first made to seat one woman and her wide dress. Later, the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. In this way, a couple could sit together -- but not too closely!

California Fires

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

A similar week to last week with what seems like “The usual” ups and downs throughout. Whilst we did miss the weeks target (Remember the “80% Barrier” we are trying to limbo under?!) we did meet and beat the Measure target again and for that you all deserves a huge “Well Done!

Even though Ready made didn’t perform well, it does prove that your hard work, efforts and the work that is being done behind the scenes to improve the MtM sales is paying off - so for that – “Good job everyone!

The week closed lower than target at 73% and a struggling 69% of last year. As mentioned, Ready Made also had a hard time keeping up finishing with 59% of target and only 63% of last year. That said, the star of the show last week was Measures – Starting the new promotion off with a bang and 125% of target.

This is the second week that we have beaten target and bodes well for the future...

Well done guys & gals... keep it up!

Week 45 - Star Players

  • FORT BRAGG – Yep, Adelle has planted her feet firmly in this position and it doesn’t look like anyone will be able to move her out of it! In first spot again this week with 129% even though she was out sick Saturday and Sunday afternoon! Hope you’re feeling better Adelle...
  • ANDREWS AFB – Climbing the ladder from last week, Roger & Nathan managed to take the second position with 119% against target and also the highest amount of sales for the week. With over $9,200 in total sales and $4,000 on Measures these two had a bumper week! Well done lads!
  • FORT DIX– Sticking in there, hanging onto the third spot this week is Nicky. With 113% against target she was knocked out of the second spot by Andrews AFB. With over $4,000 in sales and 107% of last year this was a great result – Well done!
  • NELLIS AFB – A branch we don’t see up here very often, but had a busy weekend. Allan was happy to report over $3,600 in total sales this week… It was so busy the carpet wore out!

No other branches made target last week – but that will change this week… right?!!


Nicky had a “Weird one” at the weekend… A customer came in to enquire about some Made to Measure trousers. Whilst looking through the cloth books and leaning on the measure table (Probably listening to some of Nicky’s stories about good looking GI’s in suits! ) it fell to pieces – The table, not the customer! The table, which had been “hit” several times in past years by “Out of control” wheel chairs finally gave up the ghost and collapsed in a heap at the customers feet!

The good news here is that Nicky thinks that the guy took pity on her digging through the rubble for cloth books and ended up placing an order for suits and extra trousers!

Don’t worry Nicky – A new desk is on it’s way, as we speak!


“One of the discussions we had at the conference was to do with Add on Sales and the extra $$ Money $$ we could all make by pushing the add ons. Thinking along these lines – I’m wondering how much extra “ we “ (As a team) could make if we all tried selling Vests & or Extra Trousers with every suit???”

TIP: Excellent point Paul, I’m sure it would be in the hundreds of thousands…. Tell you what – LET’S TRY IT!

FACT: To answer Paul’s question. During Jan – Dec 2007 we sold as a division on made to measure

  • Jackets - 2,841
  • Trousers - 3,354 which equates to an additional 513 extra trousers or trouser only sold
  • Vests - 440

If we sold an extra trouser for every suit order taken and if every 2 pce suit sold was a 3pce suit – at 50% off - this would be an additional $662,000 per year…….. WOW.


Did you know...

  • In the Middle Ages, young men and women drew names from a bowl to see who their valentines would be. They would wear these names on their sleeves for one week. To wear your heart on your sleeve now means that it is easy for other people to know how you are feeling.
  • In some countries, a young woman may receive a gift of clothing from a young man. If she keeps the gift, it means she will marry him. (Scary – How many socks did you get at Christmas??!)
  • Some people used to believe that if a woman saw a robin flying overhead on Valentine's Day, it meant she would marry a sailor. If she saw a sparrow, she would marry a poor man and be very happy. If she saw a goldfinch, she would marry a millionaire.
  • A love seat is a wide chair. It was first made to seat one woman and her wide dress. Later, the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. In this way, a couple could sit together -- but not too closely!
  • Think of five or six names of boys or girls you might marry, As you twist the stem of an apple, recite the names until the stem comes off. You will marry the person whose name you were saying when the stem fell off.

Good luck this week everyone - Andy.


Instructions will be issued next week.

Europe - Notes from John Collins

So how did we do this week?


Europe Sales LY Target Actual % Target LY %
Made to Measure 12,758 6,778 5,863 87% 46%
Ready to Wear 46,382 40,787 44,070 108% 95%
Total Week 59,140 47,565 49,933 105% 84%

Over all it was not a bad week versus target so well done to you all. Combined target totals were up 105% but we were down on last year’s trade by 16% due to the lack of made to measure sales.

Target on ready to wear was beaten but we were down on last year by 5% and on made to measure we were only 46% of last year, due mainly to last year’s Two Suit Special Sale ending one week later.

As you can see - this week was a ready to wear week, with Valentines Day around the corner customers are buying suits for the Valentines Dances that many bases are having. The Ladies are looking at what to buy for the Gent. Ties, shirts and cuff links are now on sale and this is a very good offer to introduce to the Ladies. We sold 266 accessories last week, 79 shirts,162 ties and 25 cuff link sets, so lets see if we can do better this week.

How did the individual branches do? The same top two as last week.

Full time branches:

  • No 1 Lakenheath: Once again. 188% of combined targets and 164% on last year. Yet another good week from Gary. A little “slower” this week with a combined trade of $9,880 split $2,940 on made to measure and $6,940 on ready to wear. Gary did mention it was a quiet Sunday.
  • No 2 Stuttgart: Again in second place (pipped by Gary once again) 168% of combined targets well done Vince keep up the good work.
  • No 3 Kaiserslautern: 110% of combined targets. (That’s what everybody asks for today 110%). It’s very good to see Leigh and Rob beating target again with $7,473 on ready to wear and they achieved that with $1,500 worth of returns. Rob had a very busy weekend which helped push them over target. Well done Rob that is the way to do it - keep it going.
  • No 4 Heidelberg: Alan dropped one place this week or it would have been the same top three as last week. 106% of combined targets well done Alan.
  • No 5 Chievres: Came in with 98% of target with Dave’s part time branch which came in with $1,178 on made to measure which was 201% of target Dave deserves to be in the top FIVE. Well done Dave.

Not in the top FIVE but deserve a mention are:

  • Trevor and Rob in Ramstein pulling in $5,993 of trade which was 97% of target.
  • Geoff and once again Rob in Wiesbaden came in with $4,100 of trade and that was 91% of target.

To those branches that are not mentioned, I know it is hard at the moment with troops away and reassignments but keep up the good work you do each week and we will see your success up in lights as well.

Once again well done to you all.

TIP Display a combo of all three accessories. Shirt, tie and cuff links and help the Ladies make that choice.

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins