Issue 46/08

Monday, 18th February 2008

Monday 18th February saw the arrival of our first Bermuda baby. Holly Georgina Turner entered into the world at 11.40am in the morning weighing in at 7Lb 8oz.

California Fires

Europe - Notes from John Collins

So how did we do this week?


Europe Sales LY Target Actual % Target LY %
Made to Measure 10,409 4,841 6,389 137% 64%
Ready to Wear 44,209 41,672 43,359 105% 99%
Total Week 54,618 46,513 50,316 108% 92%

Once again, we beat target but came a little short of last year. On made to measure we were 137% of target but only 64% of last year. On ready to wear, we were 105% of target and just missed last year by 1%. All in all a good week all round and a big well done to you all.

Last week on our area we sold 266 accessories and this week we sold 344. So again well done to you all.

This week you sold Ties 204, Shirts 107 and Cuff links 33


Full time branches:

  • No 1 Heidelberg: Alan Self 205% of combined targets and 194% on last year - a name that we have not seen for a while on the top this week. Well done Alan, a good week on both sides with $1,983 on made to measure and $6,615 on ready to wear.
  • No 2 Stuttgart: Once again in second place (pipped again) hard luck Vince. 177% of combined targets well done Vince keep up the good work, may be next week.
  • No 3 Grafenwoehr: Nice to see Paul doing so well this week. 161% of combined targets. With $1,734 on made to measure and $3,380 on ready to wear. Excellent Paul that will help keep the smile on your face.
  • No 4 Ramstein: A good week from Trevor and Rob. 6% of combined target and a kick against the trend 227% of last year. With $1,364 on made to measure and $6,958 on ready to wear. Very well done to you both.
  • No 5 Kaiserslautern: Also a good week from Leigh and Rob. 106% of combined targets but unfortunately no made to measure, I am sure not for trying but with the highest ready to wear sales this week with $7,355. Well done to you both.

Not in the top FIVE?

Better luck next week, keep on doing what you are doing, move the stock around make it look a little different let everybody that you are there and like Paul down in Graf the customers will come in.

Once again well done to you all.

TIP When it is quiet, do the jobs you cannot do when it is busy:-

  • Make sure all the garments have the correct tags on them
  • The shirts are in the packaging correctly
  • The stock looks clean and tidy
  • OASys is up to date
  • Check the status of your made to measure orders
  • Are all of your customers aware of the current promotion??

So when the customers do pop in you can be proud of the way YOUR shop looks.

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

Not a bad week last week everyone! Similar circumstances to previous weeks but your hard efforts are really paying off, so well done to you all. We closed with 89% against target and 80% of last years numbers – it’s climbing slowly but surely – in the right direction, Up!

Made to Measure was the star of the show again with 115% against target, thanks mainly to one of your team mates doing over $6,000 in Measure sales alone – more of that branch later.

Ready Made did better but is still struggling to make target. Finishing with 84% of target and 89% of Last Year we need to make sure we have all of our sale items red tagged, red cubed and at the front of the department or at the front of the shop on rolling racks.

Let’s see who can come up with the best idea and put it into action for promoting your Ready Made suits this weekend…. Rolling racks in the door way? Dress For Success Classes? Display ideas – anything… let me have them via email along with a photograph / description and I’ll send them out to everyone…. Best idea that works wins a prize!!

Week 46 - Star Players

  • FORT BRAGG – Building an extension onto the “house that Adelle built” here on spot number one… coming in with 163% above cumulative target with sales of almost $6,000 last week Adelle and Fort Bragg are going all the way!
  • MACDILL AFB – Fresh from his vacation, Zoran stormed into second place this week just missing the number one position by 1%. With a whopping 162% of target and 227% against last year, Macdill is proving that the last 5 weeks of the year are his best – Go for it Zoran!
  • ANDREWS AFB – Top selling branch this week, manned throughout the week with Roger, Nathan and Tim Andrews made over $6,300 in Made to Measure sales alone! Total for the week $11,133 and 158% over target and 197% over last years numbers! This is an excellent achievement gentlemen – You should be proud of a number like that in week 46 – it really was a “Pay Week” for you guys! – Great work.
  • FORT DIX – It wouldn’t be right if we didn’t see this branch on the Star Performers list! Fourth place but still on track to raise her branch up to a grade “B” Nicky finished with 110% of target last week – Well done Nicky… keep it going!

An Honorable mention this week to Fort Lewis and Dave France who not only managed to cover both McChord and Fort Lewis but also made 101% of target at Lewis. Well done Dave and thanks for your help covering the two stores last week.


I received a letter this week from an old customer from CA who ordered suits from us in the past and wants to order some more from us. Retired Navy Captain Theodore Fekula contacted me about our excellent suits… this is a short extract from his letter:

Dear Andy,

The suit that you made for me a number of years ago has served me well. It is my power suit. It has earned millions of dollars in negotiations.

With it, I can enter most any difficult situation with full confidence, assurance and stature. Your attention to fit, detail and style is very greatly appreciated. It has paid off handsomely.

It’s great to know that our product is at the forefront of some very important negotiations and that the customers return, no matter how many years later to buy from us again – Sow those seeds everyone…. They all come back eventually.


More of an idea than a “Tip” this week from Paul, who is showing his “Savvy” with asking the Store’s VM manager to make some signs using the Alexandre POS and having them hung around the men’s department! This is going to provide huge visual impact for our product and should help to lift Paul’s sales immensely.

Come on everyone – is Paul the only one with any bright ideas??

Let’s have a “Squatter” in next weeks “Paul’s Tip Corner” with an idea from someone else please… give the poor lad’s ideas a week off!


A past customer sent me this shot of a way to combat the every increasing Gas Prices here in the USA. Pretty soon we’ll be paying the same as England for a gallon!


Ties are leaving Goole for USA tomorrow Friday 22nd February and for Europe early next week. Dress shirts arrived into the USA warehouse yesterday and the Goole warehouse today and we will start allocating them out during the course of next week following the warehouse inventory. There will be no replenishments or allocations until approximately Wednesday when the inventory is complete. Cufflinks will be a further two weeks.


Monday 18th February saw the arrival of our first Bermuda baby. Holly Georgina Turner entered into the world at 11.40am in the morning weighing in at 7Lb 8oz. Jamie says “She has all her fingers and toes, and both mother and baby are fine. I needed a drink last night but fell asleep before I had the chance – I’ll have to make up for it tonight “. Now that’s a first for an Alexandre Rep...

Congratulations to Jamie, Claire and Holly and we would like to wish you all good luck, health and happiness.


On Valentines Day Thursday 14th February 2008, we took order number 20000.6 in our Bermuda store. This is a record for the Overseas Division and we wonder who will be the next branch to achieve this amount of orders?????


happy birthday

Dave Cox 3281 Chievres - 21st February