Issue 50/08

Tuesday, 18th March 2008

Overall, another good week against combined targets at 102% and 117% of last year, which is great. Well done to you all [John Collins, Europe]. Last week saw us maintain 90% again and with this Easter week we should see us surpass the 100% mark [Andy Schofield, USA].

California Fires

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

We’re down to the wire ladies & gents! Only two weeks left till our year end and everyone is really trying hard to get their targets done – Business is on track and we are looking good these last couple of weeks….. I know these last two weeks are going to be HUGE!

Last week saw us maintain 90% again and with this Easter week we should see us surpass the 100% mark.

Ready made came in with 91% against target with a nice increase over last years numbers of 101%. New stock has started to touch down and is being well received by everyone that has seen it… now’s the time to start and change those displays guys – Bright, light and use pastel colors where you can… make them POP!

Made to measure slipped a little this week and closed with 81% of target but as with RM’s a nice big increase on last year with 122% so well done to all of you.

Keep it rolling guys and let’s close this one out with a bang – Go For It!!

Week 50 - Star Players

  • FORT BRAGGAdelle has her foot to the floor and she can’t be – WON’T be stopped! Finishing again this week in the number one spot with 154% Cumulative Target achieved and 190% over her efforts from last year…. Excellent result Adelle, well done.
  • FORT MEADE – It was a battle for 2nd place last week and there was only 1% in it! Trevor made the grade however and finished with 147% - Well done Trevor!
  • FORT DIX – Another great week for Nicky, closing the week with 146% against target to take third place and continue her goal of making her branch a grade B… “No Problem” was Nicky’s quote…. I think she’ll have it by the end of this week at this rate! – Well done Nicky.
  • FORT LEWIS – Good to see this branch back up here again. Dave managed to get his branch into the top four this week with 116% and was also covering McChord AFB this week too! Great result Dave and thanks for your efforts up there in the cold corner of the country!

An Honorable mention this week goes to QUANTICO (Mark and Amanda) & HENDERSON HALL (Rahim) who both beat target coming in with 114% each! Almost identical in the sales total too, both branches made over $10,300 with only $64 between them!! Well done guys – an excellent result.

Thank you team!!

Only one other branch made target this week and deserves a mention here – Macdill AFB (Zoran) hit 111% of target and 171% over last year. It’s a tough time at the moment down in Florida but Zoran is doing all he can to hit some big numbers before year end – well done Zoran.


Who wants that extra day off in April??

The count down is on... 2 weeks to go... where will your branch be??


Good luck this week everyone - Andy Schofield

Europe - Notes from John Collins

So how did we do this week?


Europe Sales LY Target Actual % Target LY %
Made to Measure 9,456 13,786 12,863 94% 136%
Ready to Wear 42,968 46,560 48,435 104% 113%
Total Week 52,424 60,346 61,686 102% 117%

Overall, another good week against combined targets at 102% and 117% of last year, which is great. Well done to you all.

So how did the individual branches do?

Full time branches:

  • No 1 Stuttgart: Vince Blackett With an amazing 197% of combined targets and an incredible 289% of last year. Well it looks like Vince made sure that Gary would not come in first place this week. Brilliant Vince.
  • No 2 Ramstein: Trevor and Rob 171% of combined targets and 180% of last year. With the highest combined trade of $11,600, a very busy and none stop weekend well done to you both. 10 MJ303’s were sold in Ramstein at full price last week.
  • No 3 Chievres: Dave Cox 161% of combined targets and 142% of last year. Well done Dave, another good week with the second highest made to measure trade of $2065.
  • No 4 Kaiserslautern: Leigh, Rob and John 117% of combined target and 127% of last year. Coming in with the second highest combined trade of $9635. Great going Leigh a very busy weekend it saved the week, you can go on holiday now and have a deserved rest. Leigh is on holiday the next two weeks off to warmer climates in the Canaries. Enjoy.
  • No 5 Lakenheath: Gary Bloom 104% of combined targets. The top branch on measures this week with $2425 Well done Gary. Gary is on holiday for the next two weeks and will be covered by John Knight. Have a good time you also deserve a rest after the last few weeks.

Just missing out on the top five.

  • Once again Mannheim 101% of combined targets good going Melvyn
  • Heidelberg right on the mark at 100%, again a good weekend helped well done Alan.
  • Wiesbaden 97% of combined targets and a good effort from Geoff and Rob.

In general, the week started slow and came to a crescendo at the weekend. It was a very hectic Saturday and Sunday in most branches and a lot of hard work and dedication went into doing these figures. The short lunches and coffee breaks that were missed were compensated by the trade we turned in and the buzz at the end of the day.

Your name might not be mentioned this week but you are not forgotten, keep on doing what we know best and it will turn around. Keep that smile on your face. Easter is here this week (51) I wish you all a happy Easter and may all your eggs taste nice whether they are chocolate or real.

Who wants an extra day off in April??

Not to be left out, we will run the same competition in Europe as they have in the USA and that is:

The branch with the top cumulative percentage sales above target for the last two weeks of March wins an extra day off (Excludes a Saturday… sorry!).

An extra day off. Now that would be nice with Spring around the corner. If you want that extra day off you will have to push a little harder as Vince wants that extra day.

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins, ASM