Issue 51/08

Friday, 28th March 2008

This week was a week for Ready to Wear 102.8% of target with branches turning in some very good figures due to customers buying for the Easter celebrations. The women got their bonnets, the men their suits and hopefully everybody got their eggs (John Collins, Europe)

California Fires

USA - Notes from Andy Schofield

This is it Guys – your last chance to shine this year… then we’ll do it all again, for another 12 months! (Lucky Us!). Let’s pull out all the stops this week. Every sale you make should include extra’s – Extra Trousers, Extra Jacket, Extra Shirt & Tie and Extra Cuff Links.

Last week was a tough week on Made to measure as foot fall over the Easter holiday was light in most stores. Hitting only 78% of target was a disappointment but was still close to last years numbers with 82%.

Ready Made did better and closed the week out with 92% and this is probably where the cash was being diverted from Measures. We had a good increase over last years numbers too closing with 107% which is a good effort.

Over all the weekend ended almost identically to last year with 98% and 87% of target.

As you have seen through the week two of our team mates made their own personal goals and increased their branch grades to “B”. Congratulations to Nicky from Fort Dix and Adelle from Fort Bragg on this great achievement….. you should be very proud of this fantastic result girls – you’ve proven that with hard work and commitment you can find the business…. No matter where it tries to hide!! – WELL DONE!

Week 51 - Star Players

  • FORT BRAGGAdelle had an excellent week finishing with the top percentage of sales and also increasing a grade – it doesn’t get much better than that! Closing the week with 169% and 185% of last year Adelle is now coasting through to week 1…. Excellent result Adelle, well done!
  • ANDREWS AFBRoger, Nathan & Tim turned up the heat this week and made the highest total sales number, with over $11,000 cumulatively. It was none stop from Monday and the guys stayed busy all through the week. Well done Gentlemen.
  • FORT MEADE – A good result this week from Trevor who closed the week out with over $6000 in total sales. Although it wasn’t the result Trevor was looking for (His personal goal was over $7000 this week) it was pretty close – Well done Trevor.
  • HENDERSON HALL – After a rocky start Rahim was worried that it was going to be a quiet week, especially since Brooks Brothers were having a Road Show at the exchange. The good news is that Rahim sent the Brothers packing after just 5 hours and one sale! He closed the week out with $9,200 in total sales and 111% of target – Great job Rahim.

An Honorable mention this week goes to FORT DIX (Nicky) who beat target coming in with 106% and as mentioned earlier also met her goal of lifting the branch to a grade B. When I called Nicky to congratulate her earlier this week her only comment was “I’m sooo excited!!” – Now that’s commitment guys! Well done Nicky, keep those sales going.

Thank you team!!

Only one other branch made target this week and deserves a mention here – Macdill AFB (Zoran) hit 111% of target and 171% over last year. It’s a tough time at the moment down in Florida but Zoran is doing all he can to hit some big numbers before year end – well done Zoran.


Who wants that extra day off in April??

Good Luck this week everyone - Andy Schofield

Europe - Notes from John Collins

So how did we do this week?

This week was a week for Ready to Wear 102.8% of target with branches turning in some very good figures due to customers buying for the Easter celebrations. The women got their bonnets, the men their suits and hopefully everybody got their eggs. Made to measure at 79.6% of target however was disappointing with only five branches having made to measure trade and one of those branches did 50% of the trade, so well done to that branch. Was it you???

I hope that everybody had a happy Easter and that you all found your eggs.

So how did the individual branches do?

  • No 1 Chievres: Dave Cox With a incredible 189% of combined targets and an amazing 254% of last year Well done Dave you beat the other Geordie at last. Dave was the Manager who did 50% of the Area’s made to measure trade with $5070 - he has been digging the customers out of the woodwork. Brilliant job Dave.
  • No 2 Ramstein: Trevor and Rob 130% of combined targets and a very good 226% of last year. Once again coming in second and with this week’s second highest combined trade of $9220. Well done another busy weekend.
  • No 3 Mannheim: Melvyn Bromby 119% of combined targets. Melvyn very nice to see you in the top three after knocking on the top spot’s door the last couple of weeks. Well done.
  • No 4 Lakenheath: John Knight 113% of combined target. John is doing an excellent job while Gary is on holiday and is also going to Buckingham palace to measure the Royal Household staff for their uniforms, so he had a very busy week indeed. Thanks John and welcome back for this year’s Relief.
  • No 5 Heidelberg: Alan Self 111% of combined targets and 114% of last year with the second highest made to measure figure of $2085. Well done Alan a good week again. Alan will be off the next two weeks for a well-deserved rest.
  • Joint 5th Kaiserslautern also with 111% of combined target and 109% of last year. Another good job from Geoff doing relief for Leigh, Rob and myself with the highest combined figure of $9370.

So who will catch Dave Cox up this week to win that extra day off. Will it be Ramstein, Lakenheath or somebody else who has a storming week in the final week of the year?

Good luck and lets finish on a bang.

Thank you, good luck, and good trading.

John Collins, ASM