Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

October 2007

Issue 29/08: Monday, 22nd October 2007

As the country still sits under the heat – California went under a “State Of Emergency” today due to the forest fires that are out of control in the state. To put it into perspective, the fires which are a yearly occurrence in California have normally finished by September! read full issue

Issue 28/08: Wednesday, 17th October 2007

The long awaited branch refit of Quantico took place this week and was completed on time (As always!) by the shop fitters from MNA – Mick & Gary. The two guys did an excellent job and the new store looks fantastic! All MCX Management and staff love the new look and think it looks like a “Shiny Diamond!” read full issue

Issue 27/08: Wednesday, 10th October 2007

OK, so not quite! But as you have probably seen down town and in the malls some stores are already putting up decorations. They do this to entice customers into spending now, and not to wait until closer the holiday time. read full issue

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