Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

February 2008

Issue 47/08: Friday, 29th February 2008

Only 5 weeks left to go! Where will your branch be at the end of week 52? Up or down? Last week was a quiet week but it certainly picked up speed once the weekend hit. One branch in particular had a “Crazy” Saturday and hit record highs, whilst others struggled to get off the starting blocks [Andy Schofield, USA] read full issue

Issue 46/08: Monday, 18th February 2008

Monday 18th February saw the arrival of our first Bermuda baby. Holly Georgina Turner entered into the world at 11.40am in the morning weighing in at 7Lb 8oz. read full issue

Issue 45:08: Tuesday, 12th February 2008

A love seat is a wide chair. It was first made to seat one woman and her wide dress. Later, the love seat or courting seat had two sections, often in an S-shape. In this way, a couple could sit together -- but not too closely! read full issue

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