Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

August 2011

USA Issue 29: Monday, 22nd August 2011

Week 29 was a tough one, even though we made target and beat last years numbers this was due to a good result from one of our Road-Shows – Carlisle Barracks, War College, which brought in $9,300. That amount helped us hit 100% target and pushed us over last year’s number by 106% read full issue

Europe Issue 26: Monday, 8th August 2011

The first half year is over and we are doing well especially with all the things happening in the world, with Deployments, US deficit budget problems the economic climate, base closures etc. read full issue

USA Half Year Issue: Monday, 8th August 2011

The end to the first half of the year, compared to the first 25 weeks, has been a difficult one read full issue

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