Back Chat

June 2007

Office Gossip


Written and composed by Mark Fletcher


Well here we are again, Back Chat USA. It was nice seeing all of you at the conference. Always a pleasure putting the names to faces. Some of you wanted to make sure they didn’t forget faces. Right Nicky??? Nicky thought that it would be a good idea to take pictures of everyone she talks to so that she can remember who it is she is talking to!

Might be nice to see those photo’s (click on a thumbnail to view larger size)...

Nathan Stephens Steve Par & Mark Fletcher Roger Lansdell & Jeff Boardman Steve Hill, Mark Fletcher, Jamie Turner and Paul Black Rahim Ouanina & Zoran Opacic

Thanks Nickey!!


I would like to thank all of you who remain consistent in getting the figures to Andy and I on a Sunday night. It makes life so much easier if we get the figures when they are required.

I do have one more request and that is to make sure you pass on some relative trading comments. The comments are not an explanation as to why YOU haven’t made target. It is mainly so that we understand what is going on in your respective stores. In the words of our fearless leader: “You are our eyes and ears on the ground”.


Remember, Back Chat is for you and it doesn’t work unless you “Back Chat”. So if you have anything, let me know.

We do this on a monthly basis so you have plenty of time to get your comments to me. Thanks to all you that have contributed to this edition.


Dominic form Travis and his partner are expecting again. I asked Dominic if he would put a paragraph together to explain what’s going on.

Hi Ladies & Gents,

I just wanted to thank everyone for being supportive at the last conference in Las Vegas on hearing about our new baby due On August 20th 2007.

A few months ago Melissa and I were eager to find out if it was a boy or girl. At the ultra sound the nurse told us it looks like we are having another boy. She is 98% sure. We have already come up with a name Adrian Dillon Gonzales.

Melissa liked that name because she was born and raised in Adrian, Michigan. I liked it because ROCKY has always been one of my favourite movies and this way when ever my son goes missing I can shout out ***ADRIANNNN***

All the best and thanks. Dominic

Thanks Dominic – all the best to you and Melissa...


Written and composed by Trevor Scarratt


As the old saying goes “one era ends and another begins” and this is most certainly true of the departure of Bernie Collins. In his typical diligent and efferverscent manner, Bernie did much for the Company over the last thirty years and I am sure that you will join me in wishing him well in the baking trade and to paraphrase a famous song: “There’s no business like dough business”. I want to thank those of you who contributed to Bernie’s parting gift which John Collins and myself presented to Bernie a couple of weeks ago. For his gift I decided that for someone who has dealt in the custom-made business for so long, something unique would be in the order of things, therefore I selected for him a clock especially made in the gem-stone capital of Germany at Idar-Oberstein. The clock had an engraved message saying “To Bernie from the Export Guys “. Thank you to you all.


To John Collins, who has stepped into the ASM shoes. Once again I am sure that everyone will wish John every success in his new role. Last but not least, I have taken over John’s role of CDM. Part of my duties will be writing editions of BACK CHAT, which I hope I will be writing regularly. But in order to do so, I will need contributions from yourselves, perhaps in the form of any business reminisces or anecdotes from the past or any interesting stories from the present. Any information about hobbies or interests outside of work would be most welcome and, of course, any ideas that can help the business along. BACK CHAT can only be as good as it’s contributions.

Display ideasDISPLAY IDEAS...

Dave Tindell arranged with the AAFES management to have a display done at the front of the store. As you all would agree this is an eye-catching way of “hooking “potential clientele into our area. Well done Dave!!


Now that everyone has TEAM TALK available on the computer (on the RTW Page) we now have the opportunity to check on the amount of cloth available on each and every cloth that we offer in the store. This is especially relevant to promotions such as the current 2 for $650 Sale because many of these selected cloths have a low amount of meterage left.

Accessing this facility is quite simple: first bring up the RTW screen (the one we do sales entries on etc) and right at the bottom you will find TEAM TALK.

Click on Team Talk and you will see a list on the right-hand side headed RESOURCES. Look down this list and half way down you will see CLOTH STOCK.

Click on resources and a list of the bunches will appear on the left hand side. Select the bunch you want by clicking on it and a list of the cloths will appear. To find the meterage remaining look in the left-hand column.

Regular use of this facility will help us all avoid problems with customers concerning PSO’s/TSO’s.The metre status is updated continually so the information is always up-to-date.


In this section I will be hopefully highlighting some of the extra-curricular activities on the Export side in Europe. To kick off this new section (forgive the pun) I will be telling you about the footballing life of PAUL WORRALL. Coming from a football mad city like Liverpool, it was only a matter of time before Paul donned his boots and headed out on to foreign fields. Paul has just started playing in an AAFES / Military summer league for a team called…..well simply AAFES. He is certainly dedicated, training each Tuesday and Friday and playing in a match on Monday’s. Paul informs me that he scored 8 times in his first training session, sounds like we have another Michael Owen in the making here! If you achieve as many goals as the former Liverpool hero then you will be doing great!


Here is a good little ditty to encapsulate the current climate. This is courtesy of Geoff Berry:


Perhaps if anybody knows who wrote those words then please let me know.


Alan Self – himself indeed - wrote to tell me that, with the appointment of John Collins to the role of ASM, Alan is now serving under his TWELFTH ASM!!!

Is this possibly a record? If any of you out there can beat that then please let me know.

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