Back Chat

November 2007

Office Gossip


Written and composed by Mark Fletcher


After a brief break I have another riveting edition of Alexandre London news, for the people from the people. As you know Back Chat needs your input to make it worth reading, and this version hasn’t failed in producing it’s usual results. Very little!

However thanks to a couple of entries we do have something for you to peruse.


It seems that a customer all the way from Turkey was not only impressed with his suits but also the service! Well done Dave Nicholls.

-----Original Message-----
From: Theodore Downs 
Sent: 25 August 2007 17:16
To: AAFES Langley 3518
Subject: Suits/Dave Nicholls


I received my suits in Izmir TU. They fit great and I'm 
very happy with them. I wanted to make sure you knew how 
impressed I am with the suits, tailoring, and service provided, 
especially getting them all the way in Turkey.

Much thanks


Some good news for once… One of my good customers came in yesterday and wanted to thank me for the great work Alexandre London did on their son’s Made To Measure 2 Suits & Sports Jacket.

They said that the garments fit him perfectly and to top it off they mentioned that the whole reason why he needed the suits was because he recently got promoted. He is now 1st Vice President of the George Washington Memorial In Alexandria, Virginia and in 2 years he will be the President of the Memorial and he will be meeting with the President of United States in the future. He said he will be wearing our suits and told his parents that he is very happy he has a good fitting suit from Alexandre London to show off at the meetings! His name is Mr. Anthony P Wordlow but he goes by Tony (You might see him on TV shaking the Presidents hand one day).

This was great reading from Dave and Dominic and I would like to see any more success stories like this one. If you do get any feedback from your customers, send it to Andy and myself. It’s always nice to see what the public think of us.


So how many of you got treats OR any tricks pulled? No one! Ok I wonder what Nicky from Fort Dix McGuire got looking like this. Probably an increase in business - oh wait, she gets that every week anyway!!!!

Looked like fun going to work looking like a scene from Shawn of the Dead. I can’t wait to see what she does for Christmas…….

If anyone else has any photos they want to display, however random they are, send them to Back Chat. We all would like to have a “Robin Cook”!!!

(Andy, everyone’s seen your bike on your posh phone! So send us something else!)


As many of you are aware, Quantico has been under some heavy renovations that has weighed heavy on our business. The whole store was cut in half, from 80,000 sq feet, to just under 40,000 sq feet and as a result of that Alexandre London lost 450 sq feet, leaving us to trade on barely 300 sq feet for the best part of this year.

The whole project cost over 16 million dollars and has been in the pipeline for years, but due to budget problems and planning disruptions, the project only got started in January of this year. After 10 months of having the store look more like a jumble sale than it’s normal Exchange image, Quantico’s renovation came to a conclusion in October extending it’s overall size to 100,000 sq feet.

Thursday the 15th November saw the Grand Opening of the Store. Complete with the Marine Corps Band and Major General Larsen to open the store, customers got the first real view of the new and improved MCX Quantico. Alexandre London didn’t look bad either. Photographs are in the November Thanksgiving Issue of Team Talk Week 33.

Lets hope we continue to bring in the business to pull back the $$$ lost in the last few months.


Available cloth stocks within the factory can be seen very easily by checking: Team Talk » Cloth Stocks

On a weekend, a very good idea is to copy the cloth stocks onto an Excel spreadsheet so that you have the information readily at hand when customers are placing orders.

A left hand click on your mouse, whilst dragging it over all of the cloth numbers will enable you to copy the stock information and paste it into a new excel sheet. This is a very easy and quick solution to being able to check the cloth stock situation whilst your customer is ordering, which will minimize the chance of a reselection being required. If he wants to order a fabric with minimal stock it will enable you to ask for a second selection to save him having to come back into the store in the event that there is not enough available in the factory. You can then leave the spreadsheet open on your computer all day without having to be on line.

Also – don’t forget that the Marketing Calendar for the full year is available to view on Team Talk.


Written and composed by Trevor Scarratt


Welcome once more to Back Chat Europe, the forum which enables us Export Guys to learn a bit about our business and each other and, in so doing, to have a bit of fun too! I wish to thank all of the contributors to this edition and to invite those of you who didn’t participate this time to do so for future editions. Don’t forget, this is Our Own magazine and it is only as good as the material that goes into it, so please keep the information conveyor belt rolling!


Here is a story (once more) from “Don Vicenzo” Vince Blackett concerning that most stressful of pastimes: Moving house. Here is Vince’s tale in his own words (with some tweaking from myself).

“Well it’s been about a year since I moved into this almost 180 year old farm, complete with cow & pig stalls, rabbit hutches, five storey hay barn, wine/beer cellars and a small garden and patio - that’s the outside. The living rooms were a total disaster, every room presented a new challenge, but at long last I have got it all under control. So now I’m thinking of a new career in house renovating in three years when I retire and if any of you readers need a kip if you’re in the Stuttgart area there’s plenty of room down at the farm. Moooooo for now”.

Vince, it sounds as if your farm could accommodate us all!


Here is a contribution from myself concerning a remarkable exhibition that’s currently taking place in the City of Trier here in Germany. Before explaining more I will pose you this little quiz: What do the words and names Sunday, Soldier, Istanbul and St Peter’s (in Rome) have in common? Well the answer is Constantine the Great. This famous Roman Emperor has close connections to Germany’s oldest city, but he also has a connection to Britain because it was at Eboracum (today’s York) that he was declared Emperor in the first instance. The collection of Memorabilia is quite vast, spread out over three of Trier’s museums and includes Roman armour, swords, pottery and countless coins from all over Europe. To list Constantine’s achievements would make a good sized volume; but it is important to say that his influence on European history was important and you will see why when I explain how his life ties in the words and names I mentioned earlier. Sunday: derives from the Latin name Dies Sol. Sol was the Sun deity worshipped by Constantine. Soldier: Constantine paid his legionaries in a currency called the Solidus, so thereafter they were named after the currency they were paid in (actually 3 Solidi a year.) Istanbul is the Turkish rendering of the name of Constantinople (the City built as Constantine’s new Capital, formerly Byzantium.) St Peter’s: It was Constantine who presented the Bishop of Rome the Lateran Palace (the Pope’s residence in Rome.)

If any of you has the inclination to see this exhibition then it’s worth the trip.


During a recent inspection at Lakenheath by two Generals and Bob Smith, Gary Bloom was complimented on the neatness of his department. Upon being informed by Gary about being awarded Manager of the Year they congratulated him and told him to keep up the good work. A big WELL DONE Gary!!....Praise like this is always welcome and reflects well on yourself and the company.


As most of you know our Man in Wuerzburg, Dave Tindell, recently moved stations to Schweinfurt.. Before his departure Dave received a well deserved presentation from Staff and Management to congratulate him on the many years of service at the Wuerzburg store. May we all echo this praise and also wish him well at his new store.


When doing our own MTM Inventories it is always important to check that the balances due are correct against the branch ledger. OASys allows us to do this quite easily. Go onto the MTM section and click Outstanding Balances; hitting the ENTER key then brings up a list of options. Select “R” for Received and this will bring up a list of held balances on orders received together with all the information about each order including the current balance. Alternatively if you just press search you can see all orders with a balance, either still in make, received or in transit. This could be easily copied onto Excel to give you an electronic branch ledger rather than having to keep a manual ledger book. Every time you take an order just update the file.

This page, together with an Order Status Enquiry, can then be printed out to aid a branch inventory.

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