Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

January 2008

Issue 44/08: Tuesday, 29th January 2008

Well, we managed to get above the “80%” 3rd yard line (Super Bowl Reference!) last week and ended up with 81% combined target achieved. Whilst we didn’t hit target it was an improvement and in a Super Bowl week that was an achievement to be proud of (Andy Schofield, USA). read full issue

Issue 43/08: Tuesday, 22nd January 2008

As from 1st February 2008 there will be a made to measure price increase on all grades. The increase will be an average of $45 per grade on a 2 pce suit and further details ad a new price list will follow. read full issue

Issue 41/08: Wednesday, 16th January 2008

We didn't intend sending one out this week due to the UK conference but as you all had such a good week we thought that the top Managers names deserved to be "in lights". read full issue

Issue 40/08: Thursday, 10th January 2008

We had a very good start to the year and another good week as you can see with 109% against target and what was especially good to see was the 132% against last year. Well done Guys and Gal. [John Collins, Europe] read full issue

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