Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

February 2009

Issue 03/10: Wednesday, 25th February 2009

Another great week on MM and with the last week of this promo let’s hope it keeps on bringing the customers in as week 4 is a big week $14000 for the area. The start of the 50% sale begins Sunday which should also give us a big push. read full issue

Issue 02/10: Monday, 16th February 2009

What a strange week the weather bringing lot’s of snow to Germany which slowed footfall in the stores but did not stop you getting the customers beating this week’s target and also last year well done. read full issue

Issue 44/09: Friday, 6th February 2009

OK... Who Dropped The Ball???read full issue

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