Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

April 2009

Issue 11/10: Thursday, 23rd April 2009

Once again we came very close to beating target with 92% but we gain did better than last year with 103%.The extra discount sale did help push the sales at the start of the week. read full issue

Issue 10/10: Thursday, 16th April 2009

The MM 50% extension again helped this weeks sales. We came in 192% of target and a fantastic 222% of last year. Here are the top figures against target. read full issue

Issue 09/10: Tuesday, 14th April 2009

The MM 50% extension helped this weeks sales. We came in 91% of target and 106% of last year. Here are the top figures against target... read full issue

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