Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

June 2007

Issue 12/08: Thursday, 28th June 2007

Is it looking clean and organized?
Does it look appealing?
Can you tell you have a sale on?
Are the racks easy to navigate around?
Would you buy from you??? read full issue

Issue 11/08: Monday, 18th June 2007

You’ll remember the note below that I wrote about in week 9 – as yet I have only heard from a handful of managers about upcoming events. Please see your VM’s and Store Managers and ask them what events they have planned – tell them we want to be a part of it!! read full issue

Issue 10/08: Monday, 11th June 2007

In Vogelweh the PX had a Father’s night on Friday between 18.00 and 20:00, Paul Worrall stayed and helped with this promo by giving advice on shirt and tie combo’s to the wives and daughters (especially the daughters 18 years and older!!!!). We also offered a free shirt and tie in a draw to help attract the customers. All this was greatly appreciated by AAFES Management and it was good PR for Alexandre London read full issue

Issue 09/08: Tuesday, 5th June 2007

Our Goole factory recently made 45 suits for the Manchester United squad when they played Chelsea in the FA Cup final. Suits were made for the entire team including Christiano Ronaldo and Sir Alex Ferguson. A copy of the article will be attached when we go live on Oasys read full issue

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