Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

August 2007

Issue 21/08: Friday, 28th August 2007

The next made to measure promotion due to start on Saturday 1st September is: $300 off all suits including merchants (Europe), $400 off all suits including merchants (USA). This amount is the reduction on either a two piece or three piece suit. There is no higher reduction for a 3pce suit than $300 or $400. This is a suit only promotion available on all bunches which on Windsor is a very good starting price. Extra trousers are available at 20% off the current list price. read full issue

Issue 20/08: Monday, 20th August 2007

We have received a number of comments recently regarding plain front trousers and the pockets gaping when the customer’s put them on. Due to the nature of a plain front and as there is no ease in the front as there are no pleats, Kevin Roche would like to re-iterate the following... read full issue

Issue 19/08: Tuesday, 14th August 2007

As from today all core lines will run under one number as opposed to the two numbers they have had for the past year. I understand that this has been a problem to each and every one of us and I appreciate your patience with it, I explained the reasons behind it at the conference which were due to cost and warehousing charge issues and I hope that you understood why it had to be this way. read full issue

Issue 18/08: Wednesday, 8th August 2007

Another excellent weeks trading everyone – Well done! As your CDM (Mark Fletcher) put it…. “The worm has turned!!” Let’s hope so and keep this momentum going. Last week we finished top with 124% Cumulative against target and better against last year with 126%. This is an excellent achievement especially as it was a big “Back To School” weekend around the country [USA - Notes from Andy Schofield]. read full issue

Issue 17/08: Friday, 3rd August 2007

Just a reminder that the factory will be on holiday from Saturday, 11th August through Sunday, 19th August therefore there will be no despatches during that time. read full issue

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