Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

January 2009

Issue 42/09: Thursday, 22nd January 2009

This week saw a new President sworn in…. his slogan is “Time for Change” – Read on… we’ve got a few changes ourselves for the new year ahead!
read full issue

Issue 41/09: Monday, 12th January 2009

It was a tough week; we did not quite make target or last year’s figures. With customers waiting for payday so they can start paying their Christmas debts off. It was reported there was very little money around through the week but picked up at the weekend which helped the figures and brought a big sigh of relief from most managers and me. read full issue

Issue 40/09: Wednesday, 7th January 2009

Hopefully you and your customers don’t look like this guy!! read full issue

Issue 39/09: Monday, 5th January 2009

The run up to Christmas was a success as the figures show but behind it all is the hard work we all put in like as I mentioned above managers coming on their days off, working longer than schedule through lunch breaks etc. read full issue

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