Team Talk

“There's no ‘i’ in team, but there is a ‘me’,
if you look hard enough!”


American football huddle

May 2008

Issue 08/09: Friday, 30th May 2008

Week 8: Another good week on both made to measure and ready made with very good increases over last year. Well done to you all, once again we beat target and last year. [John Collins, Europe] read full issue

Issue 07/09: Monday, 19th May 2008

Once again we beat combined targets so well done to you all. It was nearly an exact copy of last week, 103% of target and a lovely 114% of last year. We reached these figures even though eight branches did not reach their target albeit some did come very close. The other team members came in with some very good increases on both target and last year to help the European team reach it’s weekly goal [John Collins, Europe] read full issue

Issue 06/09: Wednesday, 14th May 2008

Here is a photo from Gary in Lakenheath showing the banner which he has up at the front entrance to the BX in Lakenheath. This has helped Gary - maybe it can help you. I know it can be difficult in some stores to do this sort of thing, but we have to try everything to get the sales in and as Gary said “You work a little harder for the 4% commission”. read full issue

Issue 04/09: Friday, 2nd May 2008

The 50% off promotion has now started, all stores should have posters, postcards, flyers and letters. Please send these out to your customer’s to make this promotion really work – let’s have a good start to the new financial year on mtm. read full issue

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